Well well well. Where to begin. Last I posted online here, I was in Vermont having a great time. Sure enough the remainder of my time there was just as great as how it started. Even more important than what I did when I was there was what I took away from the experience. I was unfocused before I went. Sure I was me, but I was going through the motions, I was surviving not living, and I felt as if I was missing something. So I had high hopes for this time off, and amazingly it paid off.
Alot of things I experienced were personal and will not be shared here. Sorry but its just how I roll. Having been back down here for a few weeks now I can say that euphoria has not gone away. Sure the tasks of everyday life have resumed but I feel like my soul has been restored. That my friends is the crux of it. You see many people go on vacation and end up not wanting to come back. Its a sign of a great vacation. You question why you have to go back. Well the answer is its not sustainable. Chances are you saved and spent thousands on that great vacation. I spent nothing, well almost nothing, and had a great time. Had I wanted to do any of the stuff I did up there I would be spending some big bucks. I did not. The way of life is just that much simpler and the people that more honest. You really have a sense of community where I am afraid my experiences down here have shown that you are more left to your own devices. I concede maybe that's just my experience; however, I used to walk to lunch everyday, and everyday I saw people who could not give a damn about the person they almost just ran down. They couldn't be bothered to say thank you to the person who just made there Low-Carb burrito, with no onions, extra cheese and lite on the guacamole, even though they have to make something for 20 more assholes just like them in line. My experience is that its all a "ME" society today here, and when your focused on "me" you don't care about "you". There needs to be a balance its called "us" and its definitely out of whack down here.
So those of you that read this that have dissenting opinions (and I know your out there) should be asking "well why don't you just leave then". Have no fear I intend too. Just not right now though. Yes that was the biggest thing I took away from my vacation. I will be moving to Vermont. Those are long term plans though, and something to work toward for future plans in the years to come. Right now though I have a great job, and one that I believe I still have alot to contribute to. Its a great company its just not in the place I want to be.
Massachusetts is my birthplace and I love it for what it is, but its not my home, its not where I recharge, its not my future. So I will be looking for opportunities that will get me what I want. The more I learn here the easier it will be for me to move on later. What's important to me is not what's important to most people I meet everyday, and that's the biggest issue. City life is good and you can experience alot, but I want a house and a garden, so unless I commute in for a hour and half to work everyday its unlikely I'll get what I want. I also don't want to be the eternal college student rooming with people in ridiculously overpriced apartments. I don't want to be sitting in a bar with same people I was with 10 years before, wondering where my life went.
You can stay young in mind and spirit, but you can't relive the "glory days" those days are past and its time to write the next chapter. After all who wants to read a book if nothing ever changes after chapter 2. When I look back on my life I want to see a life of experiences, not someone trying to reclaim the good old days.
My true friends down here understand this, and support me. In fact many have the same opinion as they look to building there own futures. Whether it be moving to North Carolina, building a new house, changing a career, or even getting married they all know that life is full of changes some are forced upon you and they make you stronger. Some are chosen and that my dear reader is what defines our lives. Anyone can react to a challenge, but how have you chosen to change your life for the better. What new chapter do you want to have in your book, and is merely surviving what you really want?