No I didn't crack into the booze. I make it a rule never to drink alone. The above is Latin roughly translated it means "Everything Happens for a Reason". While I may not agree with a great many things that have happened to me during the past year, I do need to pay credence to the fact that I am learning more about myself than I think I have in the past 3 decades I've been on this earth.
Doors are opening for me in different directions that I never thought would be possible to me a year ago. Some of those doors will work out some won't but I will explore them just the same. Someone once told me about the desire for possibilities well I have more possibilities than I can count at the moment. Even a few short weeks ago I thought my cup of life was quite empty, now it seems to be full to the brim. Yeah there is some activity focused around the move but that's just busy work, there are so many plans and activities I have planned I don't know how I can do it all now. Even the move itself was eye opening. As painful as it is and the reason why it needed to be it showed me who my friends are and who I can in fact count on.
I thought no one was going to be around because face it. Its the middle of summer and who wants to do that. Well I have had more volunteers from friends, family, and even more importantly friends I really did not know I even had. To all that are able to help you have my gratitude and have renewed my faith in people. That may sound ridiculously sappy but coming from someone who was once branded a pessimist its high praise.
I am starting to feel reborn again. Days are getting easier to get through, and while the scars are still there, I can see that I'm not bleeding anymore. Four more days are left until I officially move, and to be honest I welcome the change it brings now. At first I thought it was born out of necessity now I view it as the next big challenge in my life. One that I can embrace. An adventure to explored.
Not to say it won't be tough, but I am learning that I have friends and many more than I realized. I think its because I usually try to do right by everyone I meet. So these new friendships that are blossoming all over are exactly what I needed. I know this so sickeningly sweet, but the point I'm trying to make is this.
Boston here I come.
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