Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Waking up at quarter to five in the morning has got to be one of my favorite things. ??? Yes, those who know me right now are scratching their heads in disbelief. Yes I am tired and more than a little concerned I've picked up a cough from Dave but other than that I'm good for now. Listening to a city on the dawn of a new day. It's going to be a windy one.
What do I get to do? Hmm laundry and groceries. Not that I mind this burst of domesticality I've succumbed to, but for me I've seemed to have atuned my image of self with my occupation. Since I don't have work at the moment and the prospects of one seem to be elluding me. I'm stuck with this rather awkward anxious feeling. When looking for a new job the first question I ask myself is. "Do you really want to be a ...". Fill in the blank. I mean your job is your identity these days.
Think about it. When you first meet someone, say at a party what's one of the first questions you ask someone? "And what do you do?". I suppose it's a fair question but does it really define who you are. Hell; there are half a dozen other "jobs" I'd rather have but the thing is they don't pay the bills.
A "Renaissance Man" in this day and age is almost unheard of since without a trust fund or old money to carry them through how can one survive. Relax I'm not comparing myself to Davinci nor am I lamenting not being a trust fund baby. I just really wish there was something out there that I truly want to do that would actually pay the bills that's all. Until such time, I will continue to do what I need to to get by.

Location:6th St,Jersey City,United States