What do I get to do? Hmm laundry and groceries. Not that I mind this burst of domesticality I've succumbed to, but for me I've seemed to have atuned my image of self with my occupation. Since I don't have work at the moment and the prospects of one seem to be elluding me. I'm stuck with this rather awkward anxious feeling. When looking for a new job the first question I ask myself is. "Do you really want to be a ...". Fill in the blank. I mean your job is your identity these days.
Think about it. When you first meet someone, say at a party what's one of the first questions you ask someone? "And what do you do?". I suppose it's a fair question but does it really define who you are. Hell; there are half a dozen other "jobs" I'd rather have but the thing is they don't pay the bills.
A "Renaissance Man" in this day and age is almost unheard of since without a trust fund or old money to carry them through how can one survive. Relax I'm not comparing myself to Davinci nor am I lamenting not being a trust fund baby. I just really wish there was something out there that I truly want to do that would actually pay the bills that's all. Until such time, I will continue to do what I need to to get by.
Location:6th St,Jersey City,United States