Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Wow look at all the invites!!!

Ok so I don't know if this happens to anyone else but, apparently when your birthday approaches a nice little reminder kicks in indicating that you are about to have one. Well apparently this makes you quite popular because I had about 3 pages of Friend Requests. Lets see there was Sasha, Mai, Linda, Shani, Halley and about 18 of their friends. Well at least they all should be friends with each other because they all have so much in common. They are all in their early 20's, shy, have webcams, can't seem to find any clothes that fit them (they must be cold) , watch football, drink beer, and have been known to go crazy everyonce and awhile with other women. They like to chat just not on Myspace because they are new to it and they have AIM and MSN but their AIM always seems to be broken (someone should fix that). Too bad I'm not straight I probably would have found these gals interesting. DELETE!!!! To be fair I was spammed by three "guys" as well but by that time the I was just deleting people left and right.
So its been about a week since I blogged. Life is busy, work is busy. Brian and I did not make it down to Mohegan last weekend as we had originally planned as a someone backed out, and another one got out of work to late. We may do something this weekend though. To be honest though I think my niece has given me her own special Birthday present in the form of a cold. So I'm off to CVS to buy Zycam and just about every other thing I can find to cure myself, because I'll be damned if I'm going to Punta Cana sick.
I like to travel, some people would think I don't because of the planning and worrying I do but, thats just in the initial stages to make sure that everything is alright and I can actually enjoy myslef when I'm on vacation. So fundage is a little low at this point but we'll get through just fine. I'm already contemplating our next trip. I think we should go to Vegas. I'm not the biggest gambler in the world but I do like the shows and the scene. I think we are going to try for a stay during midweek at the Luxor. It seems like a great place.
Of course this would have to take place no where near, our friend Kate's wedding or my sister's wedding, and any other wedding that decides to spring up. Of course that brings to mind what will we do for our wedding. Currently slated for Fall'08. Well to be honest we just may go cliche' and visit Hawaii for sometime. I know Brian will have the time then and we know a couple of people out there who we could visit as well. Of course I do not want to rule out another trip to England. We have friends there who we only occasionally see but should see more often.
Well the great tattoo debate continues, I've silenced my naysayers but I am not happy with any of the designs I have seen; so I have decided to do my own. Now of course I could never draw such a thing, but I did dabble a little back in College with Photoshop. I feel confident that I could design something there. The only problem now is that the damn program costs so much. I knew it was going to be expensive but the things over 1k$. So I'm looking for an alternative program, any suggestions?
Enough chatter for now, I'll catch you all later.

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