Slowly but surely once off Atkins the pounds continued to return. Unitl eventually I was back to my weight that I started with. I became depressed, I'm pretty sure of it. Not just the mood but the actual physical ailment, and while I did not seek to fix it everything just got worse as I continued to ignore the situation. I just accepted that nothing could be done and I'll deal after all there was plenty of other stuff going on in my life that needed attention.
Of course as time goes on I become more political and outspoken as I believe this country needs new direction, not only in the White House, but Socially, Fiscally and Culturally. I have begun to analyse the environmental impact we are leaving on the planet and how I don't want to be the one that kills this planet for future generations. I may not have kids but I believe that mankind can and will do great things if it can survive itself and I want to give it the opportunity to reach its full potential. We'll get there by learning how to take care of this planet and each other. Most people don't realize the impact they have on this world.
By the time you drag yourself out of bed, shower, dress, eat breakfast and drive to work you have already done plenty of damage. Just ask yourself a few questions and you'll see what I mean:
How where these sheets made? and by whom? How much are they paid?
Why did I buy this shampoo? Does it smell nice? What will it do to the water when it gets down the drain into the water? What will it do to my skin? How was it made?
Where did I buy these clothes? they were cheap? How much did the people who made them get paid? What did the dyes do that made the shirt red?
mmmm Bacon? Where did the animal come from? What were the conditions it was kept in? Doesn't everyone eat bacon? Thats alot of pigs? Alot of waste, where does it go? Why is orange juice so expensive? I thought illegal immigrants worked cheaply?
Why is gas so expensive? Why do we fight for oil instead of finding alternate solutions? Why do I drive 30 miles out of my way for cheaper gas when I can save more by making sure I don't drive faster than 65 mph?
If you don't ask yourself these questions, who will. Who will tell your children, will your children fall victim to someone else's busy morning? If everyone asks themselves these questions and stops taking everything and everyone they see for granted then maybe we can finally get somewhere. Don't feel bad if you didn't think of it before, not many do, but now you know. You can I either acknowledge what I said and help make this world better or you can go on as you were, but when the rug gets pulled out from underneath you don't say I didn't warn you.
So I/We are becoming more socially conscious and while I do get grief for it occasionally from co-workers I do believe I am making better choices and have started to make my footprint on this planet a little lighter. I buy local as much possible. I buy organic. I do not shop at Walmart. I try to use small companies as much as possible and I resist advertising. This whole new attitude has been enlightening and educational. I like to cook so getting simple ingredients is great and making good meals is even better. Thats really how I am doing this. There is no secret, there's no magic pill. I am just eating better and living better, making better choices because I know more about the options because I asked the questions.
If I had to explain to you how I am loosing weight I will describe it like this: I am eating better food and making better choices that just so happen to be able to be easily tracked and followed through weight watchers. I am not saying this road is going to be easy, but I'm going to try and with a little support I can make it and the more people I can take with me the better off we will all be.
Last night I had a lot of fun. Brian had to work late, so I dound myself with nothing to do until Jeff e-mailed me and wanted to know if I wanted to go with them to see the Worcester Sharks later that night. I jumped at the chance since I like Hockey and it would it give me something to do as well as see some friends before our trip. It was great I drove to Jeff and Moe's house after work and we met Sharon and we were on our way. We stopped at the 99 which presented myself with quite the conundrum. What am I going to eat here? All the "salads" looked about as bad as everything else. I had briefly considered falling back on some old comfort foods, but I slapped myself and made what I think was the best choice. I chose the Turkey tips which did I admit come with french fries, and I had some french onion soup before hand. I ate until I was satisfied and took the rest home. Yay me! I skipped dessert and we were on our way to the Centrum(DCU Center/ it will always be the Centrum to me).
While being a tad late we were able to see most of the game and they did win. The were trailing when we arrived but then the other team just seamed to fall apart because as the game ended Worcester won 6-2. It was a fun time then when we left we exited to find the city covered in snow. Here's a shot looking off to the east from the 5th level of the garge we were in. Now you can see what was the Centrum here off to the west. It was good to be back home at least for a little while. I like going back there now that my mood has improved somewhat. Plus I love it when it snows. I think thats enough for today. Only 2 more days left until Punta Cana.
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