That's right.
8 full months. I have been without a place to really call my home. While I do appreciate the fact that I was able to live somewhere all that time; I will be quite pleased when I can have a place of my own and have people visit again.
I don't want to jinx anything but things seem to be looking up in several areas of my life now, namely the impending move and I believe there are some changes on the horizon at my workplace. Allot of factors are involved so I'd rather not post about them just now. Now many of you may not be aware of the fact that I grew up as a Roman Catholic, but I did and still to this day believe that there are important morals and life lessons that need to be learned. That particular religion does not hold the key on moral superiority, neither do most, but you can take various pieces of wisdom and use them to live your life. Lately the phrase "The Lord helps those who help themselves". No the intention is not to be greedy and overbearing its meaning is to tell you that despite what hardships you have you ultimately can be responsible for fixing your own situation. I don't literally believe that the old man is up there and taken a particular interest in me right now just because I started to focus in on what I really want in life. What I do believe is that I have set the ball rolling and have pulled myself out of a rut. While doing so I have been able to act on particular opportunities that I would not seen, had I been in "hermit mode".
There is a lot to do this weekend, as both my personal life and work life are crashing into each other. Tonight is prep work for tomorrow's move, tomorrow we move Brian (for awhile), my two closest friends, and myself finally on Sunday I finish up moving and take the rest of the time working as things are changing at work. Its allot but its a very exciting time. I feel renewed which is good because I have put allot of time, effort and money into everything and for a Capricorn that's the Holy Trinity.
One final note. I do not have any Internet set up at the apartment yet, so my postings may be few and far between for now. I have to decide which company to go with as both RCN and Comcast service my building. Right now I'm leaning more towards RCN, but we'll see what Comcast can do for me. I'll make sure to answer peoples e-mails I know I have left some unanswered. No Internet and TV for awhile will be a small price to pay for my new life.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
1 Down 2 To Go
Last night I went to the gym, and learned once again the lesson of what it takes to burn 100 calories. Needless to say I burned more but it really puts things in perspective. Now I have been going to the gym and doing some resistance and weights but last night I decided that I need to start working in cardio as well, for my heart and it will only encourage the weight loss.
Anyways I have not been all that faithful about going either. I go once maybe twice then I skip a week, and then its bad. I heard someone say once that to start up a habit you need to do something consecutively three times. Well last night was the first tonight will be the second and Wednesday or Thursday will be the third. I hope to get myself in the attitude of feeling out of sorts when I don't go to the gym.
All that being said I think I did over do it a bit last night. I'm a bit sore today but it did feel good last night leaving knowing that I accomplished something. No word yet today on the apartment, but that has not surprised me much, I know calling for references can be difficult.
I bet you know what keeps me motivated at the gym now.
Anyways I have not been all that faithful about going either. I go once maybe twice then I skip a week, and then its bad. I heard someone say once that to start up a habit you need to do something consecutively three times. Well last night was the first tonight will be the second and Wednesday or Thursday will be the third. I hope to get myself in the attitude of feeling out of sorts when I don't go to the gym.
All that being said I think I did over do it a bit last night. I'm a bit sore today but it did feel good last night leaving knowing that I accomplished something. No word yet today on the apartment, but that has not surprised me much, I know calling for references can be difficult.
I bet you know what keeps me motivated at the gym now.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Thats all I can say about today. Its a Monday. Oh Well.
Well Friday saw me dropping out the application and deposit on our new apartment. I really see no reason why we wouldn't be accepted. I am excited but don't want to get too excited until I know for sure. Of course moving will be an issue now. I know there is no way to do it this upcoming weekend as it is too short of time. The next weekend is Easter. So I think I'll have to be taking some time off from work to get us all moved it. Not that I mind too much its just I don't ever think to take days off like that in order to do things. Damn work ethic. Plus I know the crap I deal with in a day, and I don't want to leave it for anyone else, but what can you do. Sorry Allison (that is of course if you read this).
The new apartment thing seems to take up most of my time lately as I have devised some rather creative financing to pay off all our outstanding debt (punta cana/oil). So Brian will be able to worry about his stuff and I have taken care of the rest. I can't wait to tell people we are actually moving. Maybe then people will appreciate what they had a little more. (they know who they are).
This weekend was a lazy weekend for me. Saturday I got up and did not much else other than tool around on the computer until later on in the day where I took a cold shower (not by choice) and then Brian came home from work late and we went to a friend's 30th birthday party. Of course it was good that he came home later because we were initially trying to make plans some other friends (Jeff and Moe), but since Brian was coming so late I postponed until another time. This is good because I would have forgotten all about the party had we gone out with them. You'd think we were quite popular with all the scheduling conflicts.
Despite not knowing the people there Brian and I had fun. Eventually everyone left and we were there alone with the Birthday boy and wife, and one other guest. We stayed until like 2:30 or something ridiculous then I insisted we go home knowing full well that Brian would have to open the next day. He took is 2 hour nap and was off to work. I woke up to a Migraine no this was not do to drinking before hand. I had the sum total of 2 beers in 4 hours, no hangoever. However; if I had known the headache I was in for the next day I would have drank like a fish becuase I don't see how it could have been much worse.
I spent most of Sunday just relaxing and thanking the powers that be that my headache did not come during the week. Brian came home and we splurged on a little Chinese food which we both agree was not worth the splurge. I just needed a treat for being on the diet and doing so well. There will be no Chinoise food anytime soon. We then sat down to watch a little BSG until the season finally last night. After that we picked up our jaws off the floor and went to bed. I won't tell you what happend since you should really watch yourself.
Well Friday saw me dropping out the application and deposit on our new apartment. I really see no reason why we wouldn't be accepted. I am excited but don't want to get too excited until I know for sure. Of course moving will be an issue now. I know there is no way to do it this upcoming weekend as it is too short of time. The next weekend is Easter. So I think I'll have to be taking some time off from work to get us all moved it. Not that I mind too much its just I don't ever think to take days off like that in order to do things. Damn work ethic. Plus I know the crap I deal with in a day, and I don't want to leave it for anyone else, but what can you do. Sorry Allison (that is of course if you read this).
The new apartment thing seems to take up most of my time lately as I have devised some rather creative financing to pay off all our outstanding debt (punta cana/oil). So Brian will be able to worry about his stuff and I have taken care of the rest. I can't wait to tell people we are actually moving. Maybe then people will appreciate what they had a little more. (they know who they are).
This weekend was a lazy weekend for me. Saturday I got up and did not much else other than tool around on the computer until later on in the day where I took a cold shower (not by choice) and then Brian came home from work late and we went to a friend's 30th birthday party. Of course it was good that he came home later because we were initially trying to make plans some other friends (Jeff and Moe), but since Brian was coming so late I postponed until another time. This is good because I would have forgotten all about the party had we gone out with them. You'd think we were quite popular with all the scheduling conflicts.
Despite not knowing the people there Brian and I had fun. Eventually everyone left and we were there alone with the Birthday boy and wife, and one other guest. We stayed until like 2:30 or something ridiculous then I insisted we go home knowing full well that Brian would have to open the next day. He took is 2 hour nap and was off to work. I woke up to a Migraine no this was not do to drinking before hand. I had the sum total of 2 beers in 4 hours, no hangoever. However; if I had known the headache I was in for the next day I would have drank like a fish becuase I don't see how it could have been much worse.
I spent most of Sunday just relaxing and thanking the powers that be that my headache did not come during the week. Brian came home and we splurged on a little Chinese food which we both agree was not worth the splurge. I just needed a treat for being on the diet and doing so well. There will be no Chinoise food anytime soon. We then sat down to watch a little BSG until the season finally last night. After that we picked up our jaws off the floor and went to bed. I won't tell you what happend since you should really watch yourself.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Its been a while . . . and now its Spring!
Wow I guess I should write something. Its been a few weeks and my fillings are doing well but I have added a couple more. Oh well, its tough to get old. Good News is I think Brian and I have set our eyes on a new place to live. I am not going to say much because I don't want to Jinx it, but it is in Natick.
I went to the movies by myself the other day, mainly because no one was aroung. I only did that once before and I tried to see Titanic like 3 months after it came out (how pathetic is that?) anyways it was sold out so I went to see the Man in the Iron Mask since it was about France and the 3 musketeers. I ended up enjoying the film despite the fact that it had leonardo in it, who I did not really care for at the time. I think it was the whole "i'm a boy not really a man look". So last Sunday I saw Zodiac. Which I can say is a real good movie. Now I can honestly say that it was an excellant movie. Now I am no fan of horror movies, so I was absolutely unimpressed by watching every trailer for a scary movie that is coming out during the next year. I mean I was watching a suspense movie really not blood and guts; Damn it was like watching a preview for the 80's there were so many.
The movie itself was enjoyable and hopefully will be remembered next year come oscar time because it was that good. Jake was good but his character did not need shed to many emotions. He plays essentially the overgrown boyscout. RObert Downey Jr. is one of my favorites, and he has a good part in it as well. There were alot of people in the movie that you'll recognize. A common thing poping in my head was "isn't that the guy from ____". I was unaware of the bulk of the story behind the Zodiac Murders, and kept myself purposely ignorant so as not to ruin the surprises of what actually happens to the characters. You know how some movies are eye candy. This was all brain candy. I with my fascination for puzzles found myself instantly relating with Jake's character.
After watching the movie I did a little research and found that most of what was put on screen was true. I do realize that some creative licenses were taken but over all it was spot on at least in my humble opinion. I am looking forward to the end of the week as it will be much warmer. Now I am not a fan of hot but warm is good.
My office version is of The biggest Loser ends this week. Here's hoping I win. It has been really hard and last week I gained 4 pounds. I was and still am devastated. I blame myself really, but I can only do so much living here right now.
This should all be over soon. As we get our finances in order so that we can leave.
Taa for now
I went to the movies by myself the other day, mainly because no one was aroung. I only did that once before and I tried to see Titanic like 3 months after it came out (how pathetic is that?) anyways it was sold out so I went to see the Man in the Iron Mask since it was about France and the 3 musketeers. I ended up enjoying the film despite the fact that it had leonardo in it, who I did not really care for at the time. I think it was the whole "i'm a boy not really a man look". So last Sunday I saw Zodiac. Which I can say is a real good movie. Now I can honestly say that it was an excellant movie. Now I am no fan of horror movies, so I was absolutely unimpressed by watching every trailer for a scary movie that is coming out during the next year. I mean I was watching a suspense movie really not blood and guts; Damn it was like watching a preview for the 80's there were so many.
The movie itself was enjoyable and hopefully will be remembered next year come oscar time because it was that good. Jake was good but his character did not need shed to many emotions. He plays essentially the overgrown boyscout. RObert Downey Jr. is one of my favorites, and he has a good part in it as well. There were alot of people in the movie that you'll recognize. A common thing poping in my head was "isn't that the guy from ____". I was unaware of the bulk of the story behind the Zodiac Murders, and kept myself purposely ignorant so as not to ruin the surprises of what actually happens to the characters. You know how some movies are eye candy. This was all brain candy. I with my fascination for puzzles found myself instantly relating with Jake's character.
After watching the movie I did a little research and found that most of what was put on screen was true. I do realize that some creative licenses were taken but over all it was spot on at least in my humble opinion. I am looking forward to the end of the week as it will be much warmer. Now I am not a fan of hot but warm is good.
My office version is of The biggest Loser ends this week. Here's hoping I win. It has been really hard and last week I gained 4 pounds. I was and still am devastated. I blame myself really, but I can only do so much living here right now.
This should all be over soon. As we get our finances in order so that we can leave.
Taa for now
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Well its been about 3 hours now since I got my fillings, and feeling is starting to return to my mouth. It is admittedly a bit sore but not nearly as bad as my coworkers led me to believe. In fact they had me believing that I would need root canals, and crowns. I had visions of looking like an 80 year old women with false teeth or some bad rapper with gold teeth. I got there a little late as there was a bit of traffic on the highway from an accident. It looked like someone started driving down the wrong side of the highway. Honestly I know that it can be hard driving around Massachusetts but how hard is it to look at one or two the road signs that say wrong way.
Anyways as I was sitting in the reception area perusing a travel magazine the Dr. came in and took me away. He confirmed that yes based on my x-rays I will only be getting fillings. Damn just when I settled on Diamond encrusted crowns in the shape of G's on my teeth. Well theres always next time.
Ok being bored I have taken to watching some TV. Ughh I don't like to watch to much tv but I have become addicted to some Tv and in Tv's defense there is some damn good programming. Had this been a couple of months ago this list would be different. ( I say this as I am utterly bored to death with the American Idol){seriously Sundance Head???} Anyways here are my solid picks for TV.
1) Heroes - maybe its the inner geek thats being played to but this is some solid writing as well as a compelling story. This plot was well thought out. Lets hope their sophmore season is as fresh and creative as this one. If so NBC's got one hell of a hit on their hands and it takes on Fox's 24.
2) 24 not surprising. Some said this show jumped the shark a couple of seasons ago. Well I'm not going to argue that it lost sight for a little while but this show does continue to bring some quality entertainment. Heroes just nabbed the top spot for me so I watch Heroes but download (legally) 24 from itunes.
3) Battlestar Galactica this show is definetly one of my favorites. However lately since new caprica the show seems to be grasping for an audience and direction. Right now I don't think they know what they want to do. Yes we need some character development but there is just too much mundane right now. Although from what I here last Sunday's episode was good, I would not know as Itunes did not have the ep up last night so I had to download tonight. Maybe its place will change after I watch it.
4) The Dresden Files I think this is filling the whole left behind by X-files and Buffy. Its not as good as Joss but its decent. I prefer reading the books though. Its very reminicent of the Dark Matter books that came out a few years ago. I wonder if anyone remembers those? Anyways Sci-Fi eye candy at its best.
5) NBC Thursday nights, namely the office and 30 Rock. I am not going to go into it with the office since everyone knows about this one. I was pleasantly surprised by 30 Rock though, I like Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin, but a show with SNL people that just screams flop. I guess this show is the exception to the rule I give mucho credit to Tina for this one.
( Jared Cotter please go home you sound like a bad lounge singer, and worse you did a Stevie wonder song. There should be a moratorium on his songs I have never seen a show drag down an artist such as Stevie. Sorry another Idol moment)
6) Finally The Black Donnelly's. This show is only 2 shows into its runs and it looks hot. Even hotter with Tommy shirtless but I digress. There seems to be a good writing team, but I am still not sure how they are going to play out the Johnny Ice Cream character all season. I am worried that I am just going to see him as a plot device and grow to hate him. Well only time will tell.
Honorable mention must be given to a show that has not even aired yet. Its an FX show that I must simply watch because it has my favorite comedian in it. The Riches will air this weekend on FX starring Mini Driver and EDDIE IZZARD. I watch the crappiest movies just because he's in them. Give it a shot hopefully it will deliver, and will be on Itunes.
Alright time to go find out what the hell happend to Brian as he should have been home hours ago.
Anyways as I was sitting in the reception area perusing a travel magazine the Dr. came in and took me away. He confirmed that yes based on my x-rays I will only be getting fillings. Damn just when I settled on Diamond encrusted crowns in the shape of G's on my teeth. Well theres always next time.
Ok being bored I have taken to watching some TV. Ughh I don't like to watch to much tv but I have become addicted to some Tv and in Tv's defense there is some damn good programming. Had this been a couple of months ago this list would be different. ( I say this as I am utterly bored to death with the American Idol){seriously Sundance Head???} Anyways here are my solid picks for TV.
1) Heroes - maybe its the inner geek thats being played to but this is some solid writing as well as a compelling story. This plot was well thought out. Lets hope their sophmore season is as fresh and creative as this one. If so NBC's got one hell of a hit on their hands and it takes on Fox's 24.
2) 24 not surprising. Some said this show jumped the shark a couple of seasons ago. Well I'm not going to argue that it lost sight for a little while but this show does continue to bring some quality entertainment. Heroes just nabbed the top spot for me so I watch Heroes but download (legally) 24 from itunes.
3) Battlestar Galactica this show is definetly one of my favorites. However lately since new caprica the show seems to be grasping for an audience and direction. Right now I don't think they know what they want to do. Yes we need some character development but there is just too much mundane right now. Although from what I here last Sunday's episode was good, I would not know as Itunes did not have the ep up last night so I had to download tonight. Maybe its place will change after I watch it.
4) The Dresden Files I think this is filling the whole left behind by X-files and Buffy. Its not as good as Joss but its decent. I prefer reading the books though. Its very reminicent of the Dark Matter books that came out a few years ago. I wonder if anyone remembers those? Anyways Sci-Fi eye candy at its best.
5) NBC Thursday nights, namely the office and 30 Rock. I am not going to go into it with the office since everyone knows about this one. I was pleasantly surprised by 30 Rock though, I like Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin, but a show with SNL people that just screams flop. I guess this show is the exception to the rule I give mucho credit to Tina for this one.
( Jared Cotter please go home you sound like a bad lounge singer, and worse you did a Stevie wonder song. There should be a moratorium on his songs I have never seen a show drag down an artist such as Stevie. Sorry another Idol moment)
6) Finally The Black Donnelly's. This show is only 2 shows into its runs and it looks hot. Even hotter with Tommy shirtless but I digress. There seems to be a good writing team, but I am still not sure how they are going to play out the Johnny Ice Cream character all season. I am worried that I am just going to see him as a plot device and grow to hate him. Well only time will tell.
Honorable mention must be given to a show that has not even aired yet. Its an FX show that I must simply watch because it has my favorite comedian in it. The Riches will air this weekend on FX starring Mini Driver and EDDIE IZZARD. I watch the crappiest movies just because he's in them. Give it a shot hopefully it will deliver, and will be on Itunes.
Alright time to go find out what the hell happend to Brian as he should have been home hours ago.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
The Weekend is here
and I am not being anywhere near as productuve as I would have liked. I think I am going to go to the gym later before the party tonight. I was going to go into work but I think I will do that tomorrow now. Well I'll keep you updated on what happens at the firste Simply Tasteless event of 2007.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
My Father In Law is a Vogon!!!
That being said I'm just a little bit peaved today.
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