Thats all I can say about today. Its a Monday. Oh Well.
Well Friday saw me dropping out the application and deposit on our new apartment. I really see no reason why we wouldn't be accepted. I am excited but don't want to get too excited until I know for sure. Of course moving will be an issue now. I know there is no way to do it this upcoming weekend as it is too short of time. The next weekend is Easter. So I think I'll have to be taking some time off from work to get us all moved it. Not that I mind too much its just I don't ever think to take days off like that in order to do things. Damn work ethic. Plus I know the crap I deal with in a day, and I don't want to leave it for anyone else, but what can you do. Sorry Allison (that is of course if you read this).
The new apartment thing seems to take up most of my time lately as I have devised some rather creative financing to pay off all our outstanding debt (punta cana/oil). So Brian will be able to worry about his stuff and I have taken care of the rest. I can't wait to tell people we are actually moving. Maybe then people will appreciate what they had a little more. (they know who they are).
This weekend was a lazy weekend for me. Saturday I got up and did not much else other than tool around on the computer until later on in the day where I took a cold shower (not by choice) and then Brian came home from work late and we went to a friend's 30th birthday party. Of course it was good that he came home later because we were initially trying to make plans some other friends (Jeff and Moe), but since Brian was coming so late I postponed until another time. This is good because I would have forgotten all about the party had we gone out with them. You'd think we were quite popular with all the scheduling conflicts.
Despite not knowing the people there Brian and I had fun. Eventually everyone left and we were there alone with the Birthday boy and wife, and one other guest. We stayed until like 2:30 or something ridiculous then I insisted we go home knowing full well that Brian would have to open the next day. He took is 2 hour nap and was off to work. I woke up to a Migraine no this was not do to drinking before hand. I had the sum total of 2 beers in 4 hours, no hangoever. However; if I had known the headache I was in for the next day I would have drank like a fish becuase I don't see how it could have been much worse.
I spent most of Sunday just relaxing and thanking the powers that be that my headache did not come during the week. Brian came home and we splurged on a little Chinese food which we both agree was not worth the splurge. I just needed a treat for being on the diet and doing so well. There will be no Chinoise food anytime soon. We then sat down to watch a little BSG until the season finally last night. After that we picked up our jaws off the floor and went to bed. I won't tell you what happend since you should really watch yourself.
I just can't believe we have to wait til fracking 2008 to pick up the story. I probably won't give a crap about BSG by the time it comes back on the air.