Monday, April 30, 2007

One week until PA

Well as part of the exchange we do at work I have been picked to go to our Distrobution Center in a week. I can't say that I'm happy about it and neither can I say I don't want to go. Its just damn inconvenient right now. But I will get a chance to meet the other people at my company who I work with. I'll be working along side them doing there job. I can understand the value of doing this if the whole company participated in it and not just my department. I think we have a good idea of what our DC does seeing as how we work with them on a daily basis. I think there are several other depts that could benefit from this experience. Plus I have already done something similar to this in the past with a different company. I guess I don't have a problem going I just have a problem with the working. Yes it is manual labor but I can get over that. Its more the assembly line mentality that exists. I know I could never hold down a job in a factory the whole repetition thing is really something I hate. Just doing the same job over and over all day without something new; no thought involved. Plus they also eat in a "canteen" and need to wait for bells before taking a break or going to the bathroom. Yikes just not my thing.

I have the day off on Thursday as we finally have to get rid of our washer and dryer and bring it over to Auburn. Then we'll use the truck to go to Ikea to pick up some stuff we need for the apartment. On the plus side Thursday night I am going with a couple of friends to see Spiderman 3, I know it doesn't come out until Friday but the Imax theater has a midnight showing so I will be in geek heaven. Now I just have to get throught the rest of the week.

1 comment:

  1. There was a promo on Spiderman 3 on the plane last nite (Gotta love Jetblue, your own tv at each seat). It looks great!!
