Monday, June 25, 2007


While I just can't jump in the sack and have a role in the hay, to get over (or deny) my feelings, I have decided it is probably best if I get back out there. This is not to say that I am over anything, or that I am on a crusade for Mr. Right. I just know that I need to make some new friends and rekindle relationships with old ones. Who knows maybe that will be the catalyst for something bigger. While I am starting to enjoy my solitude to a point it is nice to have someone to talk to and share a laugh with.

I have thought about starting like some kind of social club. Just a little get together of sorts for men who want to meet in something other than a club/bar setting. I mean I enjoy movies, books, cooking and board games. Surely there has got be others out there who would enjoy getting together once in a while for a night like that. Not that I plan to use it for my own private dating pool, I just think it would be nice.

The weekend had its ups and downs, and unfortunately it was a more down weekend. It didn't help that I have a lot of extra work to do for my job. I can't wait till a month from now when all my new people are trained and I can take a breather. On the plus side I was able to see my whole family together again for the first time in a while. I just wish I was mentally in a better mood at the time so I could have enjoyed it more.

Anyways just putting it out there, but I was thinking of going into Boston this year for the 4th. I'm so close this year I figure its worth a shot and I have always wanted to see the POPs in person. Anyone care to join?

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to ever go to the ta-da in the city for the 4th. I always wanted to though!
