The two things they tell you about being sick is that you need to get rest and drink lots of fluids. Well I've don both all day, and now I can't sleep and just have to pee all the time. To be honest I'm feeling a bit better; still have a sore throat but no fever right now. Plus I'm wide awake and its 10 minutes past midnight. I just watched a movie and despite the fact that Nicholas Cage was in it I am not any more tired. I got to tell you I'm rediscovering Netflix and how much I liked it. I just screened National Treasure which was good, next up is The Sound of Thunder and The Good Shepperd. Normally I'd put out the welcome mat and see if anyone wanted to watch them with me, but since I love you all too much to give you the plague we'll have to settle on movie night another time.
There's also something about being sick that makes you focus on yourself and I need that just about now. In fact I'm almost welcoming it because it gets my mind off of other things. However my dreams are always more vivid when I'm sick and thats not necessarily a good thing with the dreams I have been having lately. Well I'm going to try and get some shut eye now, so I'll talk to you all later.
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