Monday, August 27, 2007

A Little of this and That

As you all know my new apartment is located not even a stones throw away from BC campus. Many people think this would bother me I am not sure why. There is really only one complaint I could wage. These students are suppose to be some of the best and brightest around but they can't drive a car for shit, and they all have cars. So it had become necessary to stop procrastinating and get myself a resident sticker. This weekend is the first BC game and any car caught without a resident sticker will be towed, no ticketing just towing, to teach everyone a lesson. I'm not quite certain of my plans for this weekend but I don't need my car towed.

So this afternoon I took sometime from work to complete my quest for a Allston/Brighton parking sticker. Which pretty much made me go into downtown Boston, and to the hideously designed City Hall. Some people love it and consider it iconic. I am definitely not one of them. Plus I have heard alot of people who work there don't like the layout. I can attest that it is a bit confusing. I felt like I was in some 70's version of what the building of the future would look like. Anyways the line was long but moved quicker than expected. I was out and had planed to take a walk around the city and enjoy the nice day while listening to my ipod. Which I did and decided I really need to invest money into a new battery for my camera as I missed alot of good photo opportunities. Then it turned into more of guilty pleasure day. I am not sure why. I just felt the need to treat myself, maybe since I have been more emotional than a menopausal bi-polar woman. So what does that mean? It means I ate like a pregnant woman.

Most of you don't know but for the past few years there is this particular combination of food that I utterly crave. Pizza and Sushi. Yes go ewwwww if you want but for me its all yummy. Anyways I happened to be by a Whole Foods (click for a funny letter to WF) which is my favorite grocery store to pick up Sushi in. After my meal I fell victim to the siren song, or should I say intoxicating aroma spewing forth from the Coldstone Creamery next store. I promised myself I would extend my walk afterwards and indulged in my new favorite combination. Cakebatter, Heath bar and Caramel. Yes I kept it small, I may be off the diet right now but there is no need to go completely nuts. So I kept true to my word and walked around a bit before taking off for home. I must say I think I should start a new segment entitled "what I saw on the T" it would make for some interesting reading if I didn't get sued.

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