So in the aftermath of the election I am hearing more about a topic that I thought would have moved on. It apparently was such a concern that it influenced the way that people voted. The concern is over whether or not our newly minted President-Elect would be assassinated. People are concerned that this is a very real threat. Reasons stem from politics on down to race, but regardless of the reason every President has faced this threat. You can't tell me that with his stellar approval rating there is not someone one out there plotting right now against our current President. Thats why the Secret Service exists, whether its politically motivated or racially motivated it does not negate the fact that the variable exists and it will be addressed. Don't be naive in thinking that because attention is being drawn to race that somehow it makes the threat more real. The threat was already there, and the idea that man will plot to hurt one of its own will exist for as long as man himself.
Maybe I have a different view than others and I know my humble life is not on par with the level of this country and its direction, but I know that one can not live out of fear. A little more than 8 years ago I came out of the closet officially. It was a rough time but ultimately it was a decision that relieved a great deal of stress. Like anyone else who has gone through that process you have people who understand and support and you have those that don't and ultimately leave you. I remember having a discussion with a loved one who I admire and respect above most in this world. There exposure was admittedly very little to the message I was saying and there knowledge was limited, formed mostly on stereotype. Out of love there was an effort to understand, and through that came one of their main concerns. "What if something happens to you, what if someone does something to you because of who you are"?
Having had months if not years struggling with this I had formed the belief that I still hold true to this day. I can't stop it. Neither can I stop it if I am on the wrong side of the street when a car swerves. I can't stop it because I don't know the future. I don't know what will happen but I do know what I can do today to make for a better tomorrow. I do know that had I gone down a different path, my life would have been worse and I would not be doing the things I love and would not be with the people I am now. Yes there have been difficulties and heart ache but it was the right choice. It was a positive change. If tomorrow I were to be shot for who I am I would have no regret about the path I chose. I would hope that others would see that and see that my life was better becuase I chose not to live in fear. I chose to embrace that change no matter its consequences.
If King, Kennedy, Ghandi, or Lincoln knew their fates do you think they would have done anything different? If they did where would the world be if they did live in fear and not make their contributions? History has judged these men through their actions and the positive things they have left behind as their legacy. Obama is new, but you can not deny the historic significance of what he has already accomplished and while the future is not known, the potential is there. Would you deny the world his impact by keeping him from living the way he choses out of fear? Great men live and die everyday in this world. Its tragic and true, but what is worse to lose is someone with potential that was never realized.
Maybe I have a different view than others and I know my humble life is not on par with the level of this country and its direction, but I know that one can not live out of fear. A little more than 8 years ago I came out of the closet officially. It was a rough time but ultimately it was a decision that relieved a great deal of stress. Like anyone else who has gone through that process you have people who understand and support and you have those that don't and ultimately leave you. I remember having a discussion with a loved one who I admire and respect above most in this world. There exposure was admittedly very little to the message I was saying and there knowledge was limited, formed mostly on stereotype. Out of love there was an effort to understand, and through that came one of their main concerns. "What if something happens to you, what if someone does something to you because of who you are"?
Having had months if not years struggling with this I had formed the belief that I still hold true to this day. I can't stop it. Neither can I stop it if I am on the wrong side of the street when a car swerves. I can't stop it because I don't know the future. I don't know what will happen but I do know what I can do today to make for a better tomorrow. I do know that had I gone down a different path, my life would have been worse and I would not be doing the things I love and would not be with the people I am now. Yes there have been difficulties and heart ache but it was the right choice. It was a positive change. If tomorrow I were to be shot for who I am I would have no regret about the path I chose. I would hope that others would see that and see that my life was better becuase I chose not to live in fear. I chose to embrace that change no matter its consequences.
If King, Kennedy, Ghandi, or Lincoln knew their fates do you think they would have done anything different? If they did where would the world be if they did live in fear and not make their contributions? History has judged these men through their actions and the positive things they have left behind as their legacy. Obama is new, but you can not deny the historic significance of what he has already accomplished and while the future is not known, the potential is there. Would you deny the world his impact by keeping him from living the way he choses out of fear? Great men live and die everyday in this world. Its tragic and true, but what is worse to lose is someone with potential that was never realized.