... to keep me from good Indian food. Well its been over a year since I have been there so tonight the craving got the better of me so I grabbed Rob and took him to my favorite Indian Restaurant. Simply named India the place is located in Providence and has a couple other locations. To my surprise it was recently renovated and I must say it looks better than ever. The menu seems to be getting an overhaul as well, but all the favorites are there. Including a few new items that I think will be sure to please. 

This afternoon was just too good of a day to waste, so I figured a mini road trip was in order. Besides I have challenged myself to be having more fun lately. This sure fit the bill, and was a good way to break up the week. I can go to the gym tomorrow.
Ever feel like something big is coming? That vague notion that you can't put your finger on. I can't help but feel that way lately. I have no idea exactly what it is, but I know its neither good nor bad it will just be a change. Its coming and I am as ready as I will ever be for it. I'll let you know more as they develop.
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