Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend Update: Believe the Lie

So this was a very busy weekend as far as activities are concerned. I don't think I was even home for most of it. Saturday morning I headed into work to finish up some last minute stuff for year end (which is this Friday thankfully). I put in a good chunk of hours there but managed to take some time off for a little lunch break with someone. It was a good time although short lived since I needed to get back to work, but its always nice to get out and meet new people. So after finishing work I had some time to kill before the party so I headed to the gym. There I met up with my new friend Mr. Elliptical. A fun time was had by all and soon enough it was time to head to my friends' house where they were having a party and there would be a Tarot Card Reader. It had been awhile and I should have thought to have more questions prepared but alas I got caught up in the moment and had my overall reading and got to ask 3 questions.

Generally speaking it was a good reading "as in things looked like it will turn out OK' and she seemed to zero in on some things that I was not mentioning. Without knowing me she was able to determine that I was in the middle of some kind of personal struggle after having some kind of a major event last year. Ok a little vague but then she went into how I dealt with it and it was spot on. The real kicker was that while doing well and on the right track there is still a lie that needs to be taken care of. Its not a lie that I am broadcasting about myself but its something more that I believe in and until that is settled I won't be where I need to be. Admittedly this just about brought a tear to my eye because I know what it is that she's talking about. Whether its hooey or snake oil is beyond my means of judging but she did have a point. She also said she doesn't see it being resolved right away. It will be done over time and be completely personnel. No one else will be able to help me with it. Once it is dealt with though that leg of my journey will be complete, and I will have successfully have evolved into that next level that I am striving for. She also knew that I came from a strong Religious background and while I may not be practicing I am highly Spiritual. I could not help but to agree with that sentiment, and it is that aspect that will apparently help me move on.

That was my overall forecast. I had the opportunity to ask three questions. The first was a general question that I was almost embarrassed to ask. "Will I ever find my soul mate?" To which I got the answer "Who says you find just one?" Which kind of threw me. I guess for as much as I value friendship, trust and commitment I may find many soul mates along the way that I can learn from. As far as "the one" I was told that while I am making great strides by myself, but I will work better as part of a couple. I need to patience though as it is not (in the cards) for right now. More allusion to said lie before that will need to be dealt with. Overall though she does see a positive outlook, which she admitted was a surprise since she's more turmoil usually.

The next question was for my family. I wanted to know if things will work out for them. She said that things had been bumpy for awhile. The skeptic in me was thinking that of course one would think that if I am asking if everything will be ok. Anyways she said pretty much that the family did have a great sense of love for each other, and personally there is not much that I can do. Events will unfold that I may not be happy with but in the end my family will be happy with and it will be ok.

My last question resolved around work. Specifically I asked will I be at my job for a long time. She said that it I will be and may be there long enough to run the place. She said that I may not be thinking I am doing a good job or maybe think that I can do better, but others are taking note. She said that something big will happen this year, but could not see what it was but its positive. She also told me to do more volunteer work because that will fill the whole that's missing in my current job.

So all in all not bad. I'm not doomed, I have a lot of positive things going for me and no real obstacles to overcome sans that one lie. So its hard especially when you so want to believe the lie.

So Sunday I woke up to 4 inches of snow, and literally looked out the window and said "SHIT" It was 10:30 and my best friends Mat and Tina were already on the way down here. I had seen the forecast the day before and it did not call for that. So I was a little worried but found that it was suppose to only be on the coast. Yeah whatever! Well fortunately they made it here and we went to La Cantina in Ashland/Framingham for lunch. It was good and I'm glad they liked it. So after lunch we got to the real reason why they made the trip down from Burlington on a Sunday.

We went to the new U2 3D show at Jordan's furniture. Now Jordan's itself can be quite the sight but we were there for the show. Despite seeing several pieces of furniture that I want I did not purchase anything. We did buy 3 of the last 5 tickets to the sold out show. Wow it sold out fast, but it was a good show. It was filmed knowing that it was going to be 3D so they carefully craft the show with those elements in mind. There was only one time that seemed a little cheesy when there was a shot of Bono singing close up with arm extended. It seemed a little cliche but other than that it was a very good show. The 3D elements were in the layering of scenes. It was really kind of cool. At one point the sea of people looked exactly like a sea complete with waves. A definite recommendation if you like the music.

The two spooky things that happened though was in the film along with all the other stuff that was being flashed and displayed was the saying "Believe the Lie" so that caught me a little off guard. The other happened while I was driving to the gym. I was listening to the radio and they started to play U2, not a new song but a classic which I like called "One". I never hear it on the radio until yesterday not even an hour after I get out of the movie. Without getting too maudlin the song has some pretty deep themes that seem parallel events in my own life as of late.

After that we said our goodbyes and I headed off to the gym. Where I realized that I really should be disinfecting the equipment after AND before I use it. Really manners are just lost on some people. I know your not lazy because you are working out so you just must be rude. Its not bad enough you just sweated over the damn machine you also have a hacking cough and don't believe in covering your mouth. Maybe that's why I keep getting this damn cold.

So after another workout session I headed home and jumped on the T, and met my friends at Karaoke. It was a very quiet night maybe because it was so cold it kept people away. Either way the place was dead, and I was informed that the kid gloves are coming off. I really need to get up there and sing something. No matter how much I know I can't sing; in two weeks I'll be performing something. What song it is I won't tell you until its done. If you really want to know you should come.

1 comment:

  1. letters become words, words become sentences, sentences become lies..... man that was worth very penny....
