Ever have on of those weeks were you just can't get ahead of things. This week and last were both those types of weeks. So it is with much joy and anticipation that I look to my vacation next week. There's just a few things I want to say first before I begin.
1.) Commerce Insurance / AAA have no concept of customer loyalty and must not care about there business.
2.) AMICA on the other hand does live up to its reputation as being excellent in customer value.
That being said lets move on. I had the distinct honor a couple of weeks ago in attending my friends' wedding. Finally after over a decade of dating and some major lobbying at the statehouse Jeff and Moe were able to be married. What went from being a possibility of a washout turned out to be a beautifully sunny day. Especially out in Sherborn where the wedding was held.
The reception was good and everyone had fun. Perhaps a little too much fun (eh, Sharon). All I do know is that there was plenty of dancing and fun. Although my shirt needed to be dry cleaned the very next day. Someone who shall remain nameless planted there face into me and upon getting home I discovered that my shirt looked like the Shroud of Turin. I would have taken a picture but I figure then someone would want to buy it on E-Bay. Come to think of it that's not a bad idea.
I was also able to experience my first Boston Marathon. I don't think I will ever be at the point were I could run it myself, I'm more of a sprinter. My apartment was pretty much on mile marker 22. So early that morning I set out to watch the people go by. I should have left earlier. At the point where I needed to cross to get to Rob's building there were too many runners. I figured I would be the guy that ran fell and caused a mass pile up of bodies.
So I patiently waited my turn. It was then that some old curmudgeon of a man decided he wanted to cross the street. He walked with a cane, at a snails pace and decided that the Marathon had to wait for him. I'm surprised the man did not meet his maker that day. He could have easily been trampled or worse clocked out of the way, and I wouldn't have blamed the runners if they did. Instead they sort bunched up and banged into each other as they avoided him. I guess you can be allowed to be rude when you get that old. He could have very easily been helped by the officers that were 10 feet away.
Enough about the old coot. We walked down to mile marker 24 which conveniently was Coolidge Corner and watched the people come running down, at this point they are really just a little over 2 miles from the finish and they are in better spirits then back where we were. Keep in mind I live just on the other side of Heartbreak Hill. Pretty much after that its clear sailing as far as hilly terrain. What surprised me the most was how good everyone looked, there was no crawling on the ground like they have on the news and such. Despite that fact though I had heard from one of the EMT's that there was at least 3 heart attacks. I can't imagine wanting to run that badly.
It was a great weekend and that extra day off helped. So I decided that I would extend my time in Vermont next week and make it a whole week instead of just a long weekend. I am looking forward to it. I have a few things wedding related to do, and visiting my friends will be great, but I have also sort of scheduled little expeditions for myself. Just little things here and there that I have not been able to do before while up there. I'm hoping to get outside alot more as well.
Until then I have a bunch of work to do to get ready. I have a coupon for a free audio book download I am not sure what I will get but I know I should get something for the long ride. I also have an event on Saturday night I will be attending. It should prove to be interesting. It will be the first time ever I'll be going out with a knockout blond woman. LOL Mom would be so proud.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
No Mountain too High, No Valley too Deep ...
... to keep me from good Indian food. Well its been over a year since I have been there so tonight the craving got the better of me so I grabbed Rob and took him to my favorite Indian Restaurant. Simply named India the place is located in Providence and has a couple other locations. To my surprise it was recently renovated and I must say it looks better than ever. The menu seems to be getting an overhaul as well, but all the favorites are there. Including a few new items that I think will be sure to please. 

This afternoon was just too good of a day to waste, so I figured a mini road trip was in order. Besides I have challenged myself to be having more fun lately. This sure fit the bill, and was a good way to break up the week. I can go to the gym tomorrow.
Ever feel like something big is coming? That vague notion that you can't put your finger on. I can't help but feel that way lately. I have no idea exactly what it is, but I know its neither good nor bad it will just be a change. Its coming and I am as ready as I will ever be for it. I'll let you know more as they develop.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Get Your Mind Out Of The Gutter
Well this weekend went by fast. I guess I had fun which always makes it go by faster. Went shopping and spent some time with Rob on Saturday and Sunday was spent in my old stomping grounds. Never knew a town so small would could stir up so many memories. So Sunday I found myself in Millis. The Roche Bros. specifically as I was getting some last minute things for Jeff and Moe's Shower/Bachelor Party extravaganza. The place had not changed much. Not that I had expected it to, it was just odd, like I had just stepped back in time. Finishing my errands I quickly headed over to Medway for the party. It was a good group of people and some are my closest friends most of which I had not seen since either my party in February or even as far back as the Tarot party in January.
I won't spoil Jeff's thunder by writing about his gifts, I'll let him do that on his own blog, however they did range from the tragically funny to the humorously practical. It was pot luck so we all brought something. Apparently most people had Italian on the mind since we had plenty of Lasagna, Meatballs, and Anti-pasta. I too was in the mood for Italian having brought over a bucket of Comella's Grandpa's mess. I also was in the mood for a good drink and learned that Mimosa's need not be made of just Orange Juice. I found replacing it with Pomegranate/Blueberry Juice to be even better than the original.
With plenty of food eaten and gifts open we darted over to Milford en mass to Pinz for some bowling. It was a fun time but it did illustrate how bad my wrist is getting. I'm at the point where I should really talk to a Dr. about it. I wasn't much good for more than a couple of strings and a few balls were painful to throw. We did have some cake which Martin made from scratch no cake mix, no frosting in a can. The real thing through and through and I was impressed.
Some people got to go for a ride in my new car too. Which I was very excited about. The whole day was fun and its only the first of many wedding related events going on for me in the following two months. Jeff and Moe will be getting Married next Saturday. My best friends Mat and Tina will be tieing the knot in mid May and my own sister will be rounding out the month of May. So there will be no shortage of party or events to attend.
In truth these are all important people in my life but I can't help but feel a bit of disappointment. It was only a few short years ago I thought I would be married before each of these couples. Now I find myself back at square one. I am not devastated over it mind you, because even if I had been Married before them I would have gotten a chance to experience the Ugly Divorce as well, and that would have made it that much worse.
So I say to them this: Enjoy the time you have and never take a day for granted. There are no certainties in this world but if you are honest and open with each other you will have a soul mate for the rest of your life. I couldn't think of any couples more deserving of life long happiness and I'm glad to be part of your special days.
I won't spoil Jeff's thunder by writing about his gifts, I'll let him do that on his own blog, however they did range from the tragically funny to the humorously practical. It was pot luck so we all brought something. Apparently most people had Italian on the mind since we had plenty of Lasagna, Meatballs, and Anti-pasta. I too was in the mood for Italian having brought over a bucket of Comella's Grandpa's mess. I also was in the mood for a good drink and learned that Mimosa's need not be made of just Orange Juice. I found replacing it with Pomegranate/Blueberry Juice to be even better than the original.
With plenty of food eaten and gifts open we darted over to Milford en mass to Pinz for some bowling. It was a fun time but it did illustrate how bad my wrist is getting. I'm at the point where I should really talk to a Dr. about it. I wasn't much good for more than a couple of strings and a few balls were painful to throw. We did have some cake which Martin made from scratch no cake mix, no frosting in a can. The real thing through and through and I was impressed.
Some people got to go for a ride in my new car too. Which I was very excited about. The whole day was fun and its only the first of many wedding related events going on for me in the following two months. Jeff and Moe will be getting Married next Saturday. My best friends Mat and Tina will be tieing the knot in mid May and my own sister will be rounding out the month of May. So there will be no shortage of party or events to attend.
In truth these are all important people in my life but I can't help but feel a bit of disappointment. It was only a few short years ago I thought I would be married before each of these couples. Now I find myself back at square one. I am not devastated over it mind you, because even if I had been Married before them I would have gotten a chance to experience the Ugly Divorce as well, and that would have made it that much worse.
So I say to them this: Enjoy the time you have and never take a day for granted. There are no certainties in this world but if you are honest and open with each other you will have a soul mate for the rest of your life. I couldn't think of any couples more deserving of life long happiness and I'm glad to be part of your special days.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Is it ironic or just funny ( I have trouble with that sometimes ) that the letters of my name can be arranged to spell Rare Gay Letter. There are a couple others but there not as funny as that one. These are the things that I think of that kept me out of the good schools.
So today was a great day weather wise. Even Wednesday night was great I was able to get out and do a lap around the reservoir. Today though walking out for lunch was great. It felt odd being outside without a jacket on, but at the same time it felt good. Was also able to drive around in the new car with the windows down. It felt good. I love the Winter but even I will admit to finding enjoyment when Spring Weather comes around.
I guess it reminds me of being back at school. Where Spring came really late in the year and when it came the whole campus just about shut down that first good day. I can remember one day in particular where a certain group of classmates decided that maybe we shouldn't go back inside right away from the break. Sure enough the professor ends up canceling the rest of the class. Whats even funnier is that was my Customer Satisfaction class. Guess it didn't do any harm in the long run considering my profession. You really have to have attended the school in order to understand the full effect of a Sunny Lyndon day. That's what today felt like.
So today was a great day weather wise. Even Wednesday night was great I was able to get out and do a lap around the reservoir. Today though walking out for lunch was great. It felt odd being outside without a jacket on, but at the same time it felt good. Was also able to drive around in the new car with the windows down. It felt good. I love the Winter but even I will admit to finding enjoyment when Spring Weather comes around.
I guess it reminds me of being back at school. Where Spring came really late in the year and when it came the whole campus just about shut down that first good day. I can remember one day in particular where a certain group of classmates decided that maybe we shouldn't go back inside right away from the break. Sure enough the professor ends up canceling the rest of the class. Whats even funnier is that was my Customer Satisfaction class. Guess it didn't do any harm in the long run considering my profession. You really have to have attended the school in order to understand the full effect of a Sunny Lyndon day. That's what today felt like.
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