The weather is getting warmer and summer is most definitely on its way and if this weekend was a sign of things to come; I will welcome a warm not so humid season. The sights of trees in bloom, the sounds of people milling about outside, and the smell of grass and mulch around have awoken the sense of Spring in me. A very specific spring to be exact, May 2000 to be exact.
Its not just the elements that have conspired to make me reminisce. Its also the circumstances that my life has wrought. Nine years ago I graduated college and very quickly needed to decide what to do with my life; sense of urgency aside for the moment I find myself facing the same conundrum. Sure one can argue that I'm a bit wiser, maybe a little more seasoned, but still that big unknown is still out there.
I'm sure nine years ago I would have never believed I would find myself where I am today. Even if I were to have foreseen some of the trials and tribulations that I've endured would I really feel as if things would come full circle? Maybe there is a reason for it.
I remember it was a time in my life where things were coming to a close. It was a high note really one of the best years of my life. I thought I was prepared for anything, and I was ready to go wherever to find my place in this world. I was definitely smart but not knowledgeable. That would only come with time and the understanding that one can never truly know all. Although my schooling was over; my learning was just beginning. It wasn't until I graduated that I learned to ride a bike. There I was on an empty campus cruising through the court yards and parking lots on a rented bike. It was at that point I discovered I will never stop learning and like the bicycle its never to late to learn.
Of course I need to give credit where credit is due. Its not like I picked up the bike from the shop and decided that day I would ride a bike for the first time. Really it was gift from a special person in my life at the time who gave it to me. I don't think he ever truly knew or understood what he gave to me that day.
It was a hectic time for sure. I was in love, I had friends, I had hopes and dreams but despite it all I felt like I was standing on the edge of the water, at night before a dark ocean. I was not afraid of falling in; that's for certain. It was just the uncertainty and the unknown that permeated my thoughts. The desire to set my course and discover my future. My curse was that I had no instruments to guide me on my journey, no compass to plot a course. I relied on people for help and set on my journey.
Now though I find myself staring out on that same ocean. Its no less dark or foreboding, but this time I have something that my younger self did not: confidence, focus, and dare I say a glimmer of faith. While my course is not set in stone or even plotted at this point I know now that I will be far better equipped for this journey. My destination is yet to be determined. but if there is one thing I've learned in all this time it is that its not nearly as important as how I get there.
Its not just the elements that have conspired to make me reminisce. Its also the circumstances that my life has wrought. Nine years ago I graduated college and very quickly needed to decide what to do with my life; sense of urgency aside for the moment I find myself facing the same conundrum. Sure one can argue that I'm a bit wiser, maybe a little more seasoned, but still that big unknown is still out there.
I'm sure nine years ago I would have never believed I would find myself where I am today. Even if I were to have foreseen some of the trials and tribulations that I've endured would I really feel as if things would come full circle? Maybe there is a reason for it.
I remember it was a time in my life where things were coming to a close. It was a high note really one of the best years of my life. I thought I was prepared for anything, and I was ready to go wherever to find my place in this world. I was definitely smart but not knowledgeable. That would only come with time and the understanding that one can never truly know all. Although my schooling was over; my learning was just beginning. It wasn't until I graduated that I learned to ride a bike. There I was on an empty campus cruising through the court yards and parking lots on a rented bike. It was at that point I discovered I will never stop learning and like the bicycle its never to late to learn.
Of course I need to give credit where credit is due. Its not like I picked up the bike from the shop and decided that day I would ride a bike for the first time. Really it was gift from a special person in my life at the time who gave it to me. I don't think he ever truly knew or understood what he gave to me that day.
It was a hectic time for sure. I was in love, I had friends, I had hopes and dreams but despite it all I felt like I was standing on the edge of the water, at night before a dark ocean. I was not afraid of falling in; that's for certain. It was just the uncertainty and the unknown that permeated my thoughts. The desire to set my course and discover my future. My curse was that I had no instruments to guide me on my journey, no compass to plot a course. I relied on people for help and set on my journey.
Now though I find myself staring out on that same ocean. Its no less dark or foreboding, but this time I have something that my younger self did not: confidence, focus, and dare I say a glimmer of faith. While my course is not set in stone or even plotted at this point I know now that I will be far better equipped for this journey. My destination is yet to be determined. but if there is one thing I've learned in all this time it is that its not nearly as important as how I get there.
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