So earlier I mas marveled at the speed at which the day had progressed. I must have been on auto pilot for most of it, because the details of what I actually did are sketchy at best. I know I got hungry and was committed to getting some sort of breakfast earlier since I had not had one when I first came in. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be 11:40 AM. I had only 20 minutes until lunch. Where had the morning gone. What was even scarier is I could not immediately recall how I got to work. Who wants to remember a commute, right? Honestly for a good five minutes I tried to remember it. I remember walking to the car and then suddenly walking into the building. Weird. I must not have had any trouble with parking or had to deal with any crazy's on the way in. That's the only thing I can imagine that would make it so forgettable.

To bad we can actively choose to select something to forget. I know I would forget
Uggs. I wish I could make everyone else forget them too. Seriously yesterday I saw a new pair adorned by some equally
forgettable Lindsey-Brittney-Wannabe undergrad. You can tell they are new because they become even more ugly when they have been worn for 20 minutes. Come on people this trend died, granted I never liked them but stop with the madness alright. Saturday it was 95 degrees, just because it got cloudy the next day doesn't mean you have to dip into the
faux winter wear. Maybe I'm biased coming from a shoe industry but at least I have not scene the love child of all fashion
don'ts yet. What are they?
Cruggs? They are horrid and those babies need to be thrown out with the bath water. I know people say "They are so comfortable" of course they are they are all foam and maybe if you don't get all your shoes from
Payless you'd know that you can get a comfortable shoe that looks normal. I'm sorry people but shoes are a fact of life, and why are you willing to to wear nice
jewelry and other non essentials and pay through the nose but you insist that you can't pay more than $19.99 for something you wear everyday and is needed for support. Fine I'll get off my soapbox now but don't even get me started on the sweat shop
labor aspect, and the margins they make off of you are far better for this crap than any normal shoe you can find.
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