Brings back memories doesn't it. Well maybe for those of you that actually watched Robocop. So no this blog is not going to be about the height 80's cinema graphic dystopia. It is more about the disturbing news from Samsung.
Joel from BoingBoing is right. I can't even get my cell phone to understand my voice recognition, has AI come so far as to be able to understand that I am not a terrorist? Not that I would think these babies would be lining the streets but seriously these things just scream trouble.
Speaking of unnecessary violence I realized today something that pisses me off. As I was out this evening for my jog, I am getting passed by most everyone who's at the peak of their physical performance. A year ago I would have felt extremely self conscious running in front of them, now however whatever embarrassment I might feel pails in comparison to what I have already endured this year, so screw it get the hell out of my way I'm coming through. Anyways getting off the point. The thing that bugs me about most of them is how they are all damn color coordinated, and how despite the fact that they may have just run a couple of miles the actually smell good running by. ?????? WTF. I don't smell bad at that point but how does the girl who's hair is completely plastered to her body and sweat dripping from every limb still get to smell like Pantene. Then there was Mr. Irish Spring who lapped me twice. I feel as if I should get a matching track suit and bottle of Obsession before I head out running. Maybe I'm just a novice and eventually it will all make sense to me but for now as they pass me I feel like hip checking them into the water. Bet you won't smell to good then.
So I promise that will be the weirdest post for this week.
Had to comment on this one there my boy, espicially with your taunting "KAHN" emails while I was dilignetly selling $$$ today. =)
ReplyDeleteA: That robot from robocop SERIOUSLY freaked me out as a kid.
B: I would have thought you would have remembered that its CK one that one wears to cover up things... remember the bottle in front of the fan frosh year???