But it contains the hottest blood of all.
Boston is going through a particular cold snap at the moment. Just as it would seem in time for outside activities. New Years Eve was chilly as well as tonight. This evening while driving back to my apartment I was thinking to myself and reflecting on life in general. Normally I don't partake in such pessimistic notions but things today frankly are quite shitty. At least for me, but I have a hunch that something if not partially disconcerting has effected your life as well. I mean I just had a great dinner with friends I should be happy, but I'm not. Somewhere in that 10 minute ride home something took root in my mind and changed the mood around.
So given the proximity to this past weeks festivities I figure the New Year has not started off all that well. 2008 is gone and with it all the issues but here is 2009. Does anyone really believe that the mere date can affect ones personal outlook on life. One simple tick of the clock does not denote change. So if we are sitting here thinking that now that its a new year everything will be glorious we are in for a world of hurt and disappointment. The only way 2009 will be better is if we choose to make it so. If we choose to celebrate life, if we choose to let go of fear, if we choose to make change, if we choose to take responsibility, if we choose to see love. These are the only ways 2009 will be better than 2008. So my challenge to you and to myself is to find that thing that made 2008 less than all it could have been and make that your resolution for this year.
Love, its so powerful and yet so fragile, is anyone truly its master? Find me one who is so confident in love; and I shall show you a fool.
Hmmmm, Elvis definitely didn't have days like this.... methinks we need to catch up!!!!!!