Does that make me sound bitter? I hope so but not for why you think. As if Christmas didn't bring its own gifts and cards, and Thanksgiving wasn't enough to show how thankful you were. Nope you need to buy more pointless crap just to let your significant other how much you care about them. No pressure or anything, I mean it should be real easy to show them how special they are with the mass produced cards Hallmark is chomping at the bit to drive down your throat. Oh and don't forget the chocolate in any and all forms. Especially the cheap ones in CVS cause you know nothing says love like brown chocolate wax sold for $20. Wait there's more. FLOWERS who doesn't like flowers. Hell I like getting them and have given them.
Whats my beef then? Why the sudden caddishness? Maybe its the smugness of advertising, telling me that "Valentine's day is just around the corner, make sure to run right out and buy . . . " Shite! Enough, in the past week I have seen two friends lose a job, more who are still without jobs, and even more for whom job security went from being a given to a luxury. Hallmark doesn't care if you love your partner of 10 years. Hell they would sell "Thanks for the hookup last night, make sure to get yourself to the free clinic" Cards if they new it would sell and not piss off the masses. All they care about is the money. So works not going well make it up with a card. SCREW 'EM. Time to show people what really matters.
You want to send a message this Valentine's Day. Kill two birds with one stone. Do something nice, do something special. You want to make that person feel special do something unique not what every other poser is doing. At the same time send a message to the Hallmarks of the world. Your hard earned money is yours, we spend far to much of it already on things that are not necessary. Make a card, put some effort into it, make it special. Or you could always just throw some money at just to get it done. You tell me whats a better picture of your relationship?
This Valentine's Day leave corporations out of your love life, you'll thank me for it later.
I agree with your sentiment, however I think you should have said FRAK Valentines day.....