Well the past 24 hours have been good. While no one really walked out of Mohegan in riches we certainly all had fun. Right Sharon? Last night was fun while also being incredibly cold. For those of you didn't know last night I went to see Back to the Future at the Coolidge. It was a midnight showing so I got to Coolidge Corner a little early I thought about getting a bite to eat but I wasn't very hungry. So after a quick run through the Bookseller I settled into Starbucks for some Apple Chai and some quiet time to read and wait out my movie. I am very into this book Isaac's Storm by Erik Larson the weather geek in me just loves it but that is just the icing on the cake. Its well written and Erik has a way of portraying the times in which he talks about in such a way that you feel like you are there. Unfortunately for me Starbucks closes at 11, so I was booted into the cold. My only other option being CVS I decided I would just go wait in line. It wouldn't be too long before they let us in.
Boy was I wrong. A whole hour later I was finally able to to warm up inside the theater. Prior to that though we waited outside in line in 12 degree weather. I fortunately was prepared mostly for the wait but I was only wearing some old New Balances on my feet which didn't insulate well from the cold. I am fully convinced had I waited longer frost bite would have started to set in. It was that cold. I fared better than my younger theater goers who doffed skinny jeans, vans, and hoodies. Why we didn't have an EMO Popsicle could only be explained by their knack for finding warm pizza out of the dumpster behind the Upper Crust. What can I say I roll with an elite crowd. Actually I didn't know them and had nothing to do with their subsequent selling of said pizza to make a quick buck.
Finally after figuring out some fancy crowd control we were let in and led to the theater. Honestly I felt like I was nine again watching this movie and despite having seen it hundreds of times before on DVD it was so much better on screen. I can't wait for March when they do Karate Kid (hear that Melanie!.)
Arriving home at 3 AM didn't give me much time for sleep as some good friends and I were heading down to Mohegan for some fun. Moe introduced me to the Wizard of Oz slots which were very playable and allowed me to experience many bonus rounds, but my true moment of serendipity arose when we ventured into the new Casino of the Wind. Or is my friends like to call it the Alcove of the Wind do in no small part to its relative size to the other casinos.
It was there though that I would find Star Trek the Slot Machine. To say I geeked out was an understatement and totally what I needed at the moment. Some may remember my post in 2007 on the Top Gun. Well this blows it away in every way. So far I have only seen them in the Casino of the Wind. The most fascinating part of this slot is that you can choose a persona as you have the capability to collect medals which allow you to play other slot games on the same machine as you advance in rank. Since its all saved, in two months I can go back and continue as if I was still sitting at the machine this afternoon. Not too mention it was just cool. I think the beauty of it was lost on my other gamblers but I enjoyed it.
By the way I'm just putting this out there. Why is it that you give people a chance to smoke somewhere and they completely destroy themselves. I mean I swear these people are smoking 3 times more than they ordinarily would at any given day. And as a precautionary note if you are that ADDICTED to something then should you really be gambling in the first place? Just a thought.
Boy was I wrong. A whole hour later I was finally able to to warm up inside the theater. Prior to that though we waited outside in line in 12 degree weather. I fortunately was prepared mostly for the wait but I was only wearing some old New Balances on my feet which didn't insulate well from the cold. I am fully convinced had I waited longer frost bite would have started to set in. It was that cold. I fared better than my younger theater goers who doffed skinny jeans, vans, and hoodies. Why we didn't have an EMO Popsicle could only be explained by their knack for finding warm pizza out of the dumpster behind the Upper Crust. What can I say I roll with an elite crowd. Actually I didn't know them and had nothing to do with their subsequent selling of said pizza to make a quick buck.
Finally after figuring out some fancy crowd control we were let in and led to the theater. Honestly I felt like I was nine again watching this movie and despite having seen it hundreds of times before on DVD it was so much better on screen. I can't wait for March when they do Karate Kid (hear that Melanie!.)
Arriving home at 3 AM didn't give me much time for sleep as some good friends and I were heading down to Mohegan for some fun. Moe introduced me to the Wizard of Oz slots which were very playable and allowed me to experience many bonus rounds, but my true moment of serendipity arose when we ventured into the new Casino of the Wind. Or is my friends like to call it the Alcove of the Wind do in no small part to its relative size to the other casinos.
By the way I'm just putting this out there. Why is it that you give people a chance to smoke somewhere and they completely destroy themselves. I mean I swear these people are smoking 3 times more than they ordinarily would at any given day. And as a precautionary note if you are that ADDICTED to something then should you really be gambling in the first place? Just a thought.
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