Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Oh Good Grief

Warning the following message is a rant and has not been edited for content, spelling and or grammar. You've been warned.

AAUGH!!!!! Ok I know my life is not shit and there are far more people having a bad day right now. I know this. I have to rant though. Today's just been one of those where you just can't get ahead. I mean I find myself in bed at 9 Pm not just cause I'm sick but partly cause I want it to end.
Work is going alright, I'm still putting affairs in order and organizing as much as I can. My last day is May 29th. I still can't believe it. Even when I type it out like that. As much as it saddens me I also am looking at it as an opportunity and one which I am very greatful for.
Today though tested my patience. Oh it wasn't anything at work. Although I did say good bye to a colleague moving to a new department. It was a precursor to what I will be doing next month and it left me feeling quite a few mixed emotions. Before that though I met Dan for lunch at the Soup Factory. I enjoyed my Matzoh Ball soup ( hey its Passover in Newton, when in Rome...) as he filled me in on the many adventures of his tour. We talked about the upcoming months and the warmer weather ahead. It was nice since it had been well over a month since we had a chance to sit down and have lunch.
My temper was spurned as I made my way back having stopped for a tea at Starbucks I was waiting at the crosswalk for traffic. There was no one to my left except for Taxi way off in the distance. The other side of the street was in no rush to stop. Eventually someone took note and started to slow. The taxi however was not slowing down to my left. I locked eyes with the Jackass and all he did was wag his finger at me. WAG HIS FINGER AT ME!!! I'm a God DAMN PEDESTRIAN IN A CROSSWALK!!!! MF JACKASS!!! Veteran's Taxi no less. The other traffic stopped and allowed me to cross as I stomped back to the office questioning the dubious heritage and obvious intelligence of the driver.
I get back to the office out of breath; truly upset at the fact that I was out of breath, and quietly thankful that my Dr. had an opening today for me tonight. This afternoon dragged on as the only real thing I wanted was to be in bed. My energy is just not there. Flash forward 4 long hours and my Dr. is telling me that I do in fact have bronchitis again, and had I waited a couple more days and it would have developed into pneumonia again considering its in the same place as last time. So meds in hand I head back home but not before a little dinner at the Biltmore (my Cheers if you will).
I'm seriously tired of being sick I was very tempted to beg my Doc to put me in the hospital on an IV drip till I'm healthy but I figured I'd catch something worse there. Lets hope this dose of drugs does the trick otherwise the next course of action is a CAT scan to see why the hell its not going away. At this point I just want a little warm weather so I can sit in a field of grass and feel the breeze. At least I have some rest lined up for the weekend.
Alright sorry for the venting. I'll do better next time.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe getting out of that office will help with staying healthier. Sometimes offices have some really gross air. I know when I left Boston I felt better the next week and when I got out of the basement in my last job, I felt better too.

    Hope you feel better!
