Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Busy Busy

Another busy day lined up here at work. I don't mind it too much because it makes the day go by fast and since I only have on week left until I'm on vacation. One week from today I will be taking off for the Caribbean to Punta Cana for my stay at the lovely Majestic Colonial. Now I know the vacation is not all that long; I'll only be there for 5 days and there is a wedding in the middle of it but I intend to fully enjoy it. A coworker of mine told me that I probably would not appreciate it. I have to wonder why, she must not know me that well. Yes usually my vacations have intineraries and are full of sight seeing and learning about where ever I am. However I can remember the last time I took a vacation where I just relaxed. I want to sit on the white sand beach and listen to the crystal blue water. I want to inbibe some exotic tropical drink, I hear the island rum is quite good.
I promise to take as many pictures as possible of the wedding, hotel, island, beach, and whatever else I can think of. I promise to try to get a tan, no promises I don't want to burn. I also plan to enjoy myself. So I think I have the capacity to appreciate the island I think some one was just jealous. Now if I could just get rid of this cold I will be fine! Of course before I get there I have to negotiate traveling with Brian's family, a taxing feat no doubt under any circumstances, but only added this time with the fact that we are leaving the house at 3:45 AM, have a connecting flight in Philadelphia, have a 3 year old, have the 3 year olds mother, travelling internationally, and carrying all sorts of luggage for the wedding. Wasn't it just last week a couple was kicked off a flight because of an uncooperative 3 year old?
Good God, wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Wow look at all the invites!!!

Ok so I don't know if this happens to anyone else but, apparently when your birthday approaches a nice little reminder kicks in indicating that you are about to have one. Well apparently this makes you quite popular because I had about 3 pages of Friend Requests. Lets see there was Sasha, Mai, Linda, Shani, Halley and about 18 of their friends. Well at least they all should be friends with each other because they all have so much in common. They are all in their early 20's, shy, have webcams, can't seem to find any clothes that fit them (they must be cold) , watch football, drink beer, and have been known to go crazy everyonce and awhile with other women. They like to chat just not on Myspace because they are new to it and they have AIM and MSN but their AIM always seems to be broken (someone should fix that). Too bad I'm not straight I probably would have found these gals interesting. DELETE!!!! To be fair I was spammed by three "guys" as well but by that time the I was just deleting people left and right.
So its been about a week since I blogged. Life is busy, work is busy. Brian and I did not make it down to Mohegan last weekend as we had originally planned as a someone backed out, and another one got out of work to late. We may do something this weekend though. To be honest though I think my niece has given me her own special Birthday present in the form of a cold. So I'm off to CVS to buy Zycam and just about every other thing I can find to cure myself, because I'll be damned if I'm going to Punta Cana sick.
I like to travel, some people would think I don't because of the planning and worrying I do but, thats just in the initial stages to make sure that everything is alright and I can actually enjoy myslef when I'm on vacation. So fundage is a little low at this point but we'll get through just fine. I'm already contemplating our next trip. I think we should go to Vegas. I'm not the biggest gambler in the world but I do like the shows and the scene. I think we are going to try for a stay during midweek at the Luxor. It seems like a great place.
Of course this would have to take place no where near, our friend Kate's wedding or my sister's wedding, and any other wedding that decides to spring up. Of course that brings to mind what will we do for our wedding. Currently slated for Fall'08. Well to be honest we just may go cliche' and visit Hawaii for sometime. I know Brian will have the time then and we know a couple of people out there who we could visit as well. Of course I do not want to rule out another trip to England. We have friends there who we only occasionally see but should see more often.
Well the great tattoo debate continues, I've silenced my naysayers but I am not happy with any of the designs I have seen; so I have decided to do my own. Now of course I could never draw such a thing, but I did dabble a little back in College with Photoshop. I feel confident that I could design something there. The only problem now is that the damn program costs so much. I knew it was going to be expensive but the things over 1k$. So I'm looking for an alternative program, any suggestions?
Enough chatter for now, I'll catch you all later.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

UPDATE ! ! Too all my well wishers

Thank you for your words of support and good tidings, and might I add quite a few invitations for dinner this evening. I must apologize I did not mean to sound dower I was just a bit put off from work. I really need a vacation and fortunately will be getting one soon. I finally left work at 7 this evening and no I did not go to the Cheesecake Factory by myself. Unbeknownst to my several of my co-workers were able to drag me away from my desk for a few minutes as they had actually gotten me an entire Cheesecake from the place.
While I did have to work late I was able to have a nice night. While I knew that Brian was working late I did not know then when I got home that Brian's parents would be waiting for me. Which somehow turned my day around in an instant. While I was going to put this Birthday down in the list of ones gone by that I'd rather not remember, I know can say that this is one of the best birthdays I've had in years. Brian's parent and I sat and talked for a few hours while Brian's mom cooked, it was really nice and made me feel really good. This weekend I'll see my parents and have a little celebration, but for right now I'm happy with my new parents as I truely feel as if I am part of the family, and I hope they feel as happy for me as I am just being there.
So good night; another day is fast approaching and there's just that much more to do. I think I finally put together what I have been trying to figure out for weeks now. Its not what to get or what I haven't done that I need to do before I'm 30. It's about the 30 years I've had on this planet and all you people that I've met and call my friends, you are my reall accomplishments and for that I am truely greatful.
Peace and Good night

You can't say I didn't warn you . . .

I don't want to say I told you so but, check out todays news. Granted maybe its not the worst weather we can have but it is damn cold. Those people in California don't know what to do with themselves. So much for our crop of oranges and avocados. I guess the flower industry is going to take a hit too just in time for Valentines day. "You want how much for those Roses???!!" We suffice to say the day is not going by very well and it didn't get off to a good start and I'm looking at the prospect of a few more hours of overtime today. JOY I can only imagine Brian is working late tonight since his shift started at 11AM so I'm sure I'm not going to see hime much before 10PM.
I think maybe I'll drag my self over to the Cheesecake Factory after work and celebrate by myself. Good God this is depressing! This day needs to be over soon.
Well I have to get back to my work now since there is oh so much of it and apparently it can only be done by me.

G, there is NO way you will be celebrating alone!
Call me when you're done with work. Seriously.
Posted by Nikki on Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - 1:44 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

Aw G! Sorry you're having such a trying day!
Posted by Danielle on Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - 1:58 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

clarissa ♥ cupcake
You could have come over for dinner tonight, I made Shepherds Pie.I wish I would have known sooner
Posted by clarissa ♥ cupcake on Wednesday, January 17, 2007 - 10:58 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Back by popular demand . . . & Stock up on bottled water and canned goods.

OK so I know I haven't posted a blog in the past couple of days and you've been asking so nice (Melanie). So here we go:
Today is the last day I'll be 29. Tomorrow I'll be 30 and I am starting to come to terms with it. Now I'm more afraid of what tomorrow will bring for the rest of the world. Take a look at some of the events that happend in the world on January 17 starting in 1977:
1977 - Convicted murderer Gary Gilmore is executed by a firing squad in Utah, ending a ten-year moratorium on the death penalty in the United States.
1982 - "Cold Sunday" in the United States sees temperatures fall to their lowest levels in over 100 years in numerous cities.
1991 - Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm began early in the morning. Iraq fires 8 Scud missiles into Israel in an unsuccessful bid to provoke Israeli retaliation.
1994 - A magnitude 6.7 earthquake hits Northridge, California; see 1994 Northridge Earthquake.
1995 - A magnitude 7.3 earthquake (known as "the Great Hanshin earthquake") hits near Kobe, Japan, causing extensive property damage and killing 6,433 people.
1997 - A Delta 2 carrying a GPS2R satellite explodes 13 seconds after launch, dropping 250 tons of burning rocket remains around the launch pad. [1]
1998 - Paula Jones accuses President Bill Clinton of sexual harassment. (Remember when it was this easy to start impeachment proceedings)
2002 - Mount Nyiragongo erupts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, displacing an estimated 400,000 people.
Not to mention the Ice Storms, Blizzards and Record Cold temperatures that happen to fall on my birthday. ( by the way check the forecast tomorrow will be the coldest day we've had this year.)
If anyone is thinkg gifts, here is a little something I have been eyeing. I love puzzles and the harder the better so this little gem is great and for just $200 bucks it could be mine. The Isis is a new puzzle that looks insanely cool and challenging and has some monetary reward to it. To bad I don't live in the UK (yet) I would so be getting this.
Alright enough for now maybe I'll post more later.

Happy (almost) Birthday, dahling...
You don't look 30. Just remember that.
Oh, and between you, me, and the world, I'm 23.
Posted by Nikki on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 2:34 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

Hey G!Happy birthday! Don't worry, it doesn't get any worse when you turn 30. At the most, you just plateau for a while. I've hard that 40 is where it really starts to go downhill!
Posted by Martin on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 5:02 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

Hey Handsome! You're only as old as ya feel and you're far from looking close to your age. You have been blessed with the fountain of youth so you look far younger than you appear and 30 is NOT old by many means my friend.Great choice for current listening material-All The Right Reasons happens to be my favorite:) In case I forget, I hope you have a great birthday -you deserve it and how about that tattoo?! :)
Posted by Danielle on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 6:17 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Web of Sin

So lately I'm all about the internet. Normally I get home and don't want to touch a computer, but with life without immediate access to a TV the internet has become my new friend. So today I'm going to share some links of things that I have found very interesting and have been frequenting lately.
First are some obvious choices:
Old Navy
Here are a couple of others:
Some interesting Liberal talk thats damn fun turn to Stephanie Miller between the hours of 9Am and 12Am EST.
A cool site for pics and backgrounds to incorporate into myspace or just for background pics can be found here at Deviant Art.
I'll post more later work calls....

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

She's the Roz to my Frasier

Yes she is alright. I came to this conclusion the other day while watching an old rerun of Frasier. Apparently a new radio psychiatrist was competing with Frasier and she was an A class bitch and Frasier wanted to expose her for the charlitan whe was, and he was torn between doing the right thing and totally going for the jugular. Well of course he was egged on by Roz who was equally pissed and was encouraging exposing her on air.
At that point I figured out that this is my life. My diabolical co-worker and cube mate is totally Roz and I'm Frasier. A point that I am sure she would support emphaticallly. Why do I say this? Well its because I have finally decided what I want to do before I turn 30. To others this may not seem like a big thing but I have enough nay sayers in the office that are trying to talk me out of it.
I am going to get a tattoo. I haven't exactly decided what I'm going to get, but I have a few ideas, and the only one who seems to be encouraging me is Melanie. Everyone else is saying that can't see me getting one. Well in a little while they'll have to come to terms with it because that is what I'm doing. Have I discussed this with Brian? No, lets see how long it takes him to realize. I don't think he'll have a problem with it as he has talked about getting one before.
I'll post some ideas later about where and what to get.

I am all about the engouragement G. You know how I am with tatoos. You better keep it covered so I dont' try to lick it.
Posted by Melanie on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 2:57 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

Oooh! I've always wanted one but I've been a chicken about it. Go for it! :) I think it would give you 100% more street cred.
If I could give you 45 kudos, I would!
Posted by Nikki on Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 3:25 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

The best way for people who say "I can't see you getting a tattoo" to get over it is to see you with a tattoo. I heard it a million times, but not once since I actually got it. I went one day in June...I had finally decided what I wanted and I got it before anyone could try to talk me out of it. It's not like you're putting it on your forehead...you can easily cover it if you need to. So I say GO FOR IT!
Posted by Cristin on Monday, January 15, 2007 - 8:36 AM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]

International Hot and Spicy Food Day

I'm going to watch Bill O'Reilly next thursday! Why? Why am I so excited about it? I'll tell you why. Because his guest will Be the one and only Stephen Colbert the genious behind the Colbert Report. Read about the juicy details here. I hope it will be a great hour for both shows. That is of course if Mr. O'Reilly doesn't cut off his mic or not show up for the interview on Colbert's show. Only time will tell.
Well the president will be speaking to night, I'll be watching not necessarily because I enjoy being talked to like I'm 4, but because I believe it to be my civic duty. For those of you who don't want to watch; I suggest you turn it into a drinking game. Take a drink every time he over annunciates a word over 3 syllables you know like when he says the word un-i-lat-er-al and stretches it out to be an entire sentence on its own. Take another swig everytime he mentions hard work, or 9/11. This time around I'm thinking there are going to be two themes repeated: compromise, and supporting the troops. Mostly because we liberals don't believe in either.
Why is it the president believes that compromise is "Do it my way or else"? We put our trust in this guys leadership for the past 7 years what exactly has he done to garner our support. Its time to cut our losses and move on seriously this guy has ruined our country.
Enough of that, my sister has set her date for her wedding 09/08/07. It should be a great time and never did I think my sister would be getting married before me but thems the breaks. I think Brian and I are leaning towards a small ceremony now with a reception to include all our friends. Seriously the cost of this stuff in Mass is astronomical I wish we could get married in VT it would be cheaper. Yes I know there is Civil Unions but its not the same. What do you think should we do a small wedding and a big reception or do a medium sized wedding and reception together?
Finally it is International Hot and Spicy Food Day how should I celebrate? Maybe I'll go to Acapulco's at lunch.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Someday I'll boar you with the details of what a Chargeback is. Needless to say its something to hate with my job and do the the nature of one of my accounts I handle alot of them were generated over the year, so today I spent the better part of the day getting organized for a meeting concerning them. It was not fun.
But thats not what I want to talk about today. I got 8 days left on my countdown clock until I'm 30. I think I should do something before then while I'm still young, I just can't figure out what. Brian's first full day was yesterday and I debated going in to Boston to see him after work and then driving him back to his car in Walpole after dinner, but I decided I'd just let him have his full day and have dinner home waiting for him when he gets there. Fortunately Curried Vegetables and Cous Cous can be reheated because he never came home, or at least until I got a call at 11:30. Apparently he had to stay because the guy for the shift afterwards called out. I guess its good that he's proving he could be counted on, but dame 11:30?! i hope today goes better. He had fun all around so thats good.
I'm just now realizing how close we are to Punta Cana, and there is so much that still needs to be done before we go both at home and work.
Random thought: I want a Kitten
Tonight I'm not sure what to do for dinner but it won't be as involved as last nights; however that was surprisingly not that hard and delicious for my first attempt. Maybe I'll take a shot at tofu tonight, I just hope Brian makes it home on time as that may not keep all that well. I think tonight I'll play a little more of my card game its been awhile since I did it last and it is really fun. For those of you that like puzzles you should check out Perplex City . You may not want to get involved this late in the season, but the second season will start shortly after we find the Receda Cube. If you really want to know what the hell I'm talking about you should check out the page because its too long to explain.
Taaa for now

Monday, January 8, 2007

When it Rains . . . It Pours

I welcome rainy days. I am not necessarily a big fan of two weeks without sun but rainy days do not bother me as much as the average person. In fact I knod of like them. The only thing I can say that I don't like about them is that people suddenly forget how to drive. Other than that you can rain all day and I'll be perfectly happy. I have been known to open up my windows and just sit and listen to the rain. My favorite is going to sleep while listening to the rain. The five years I spent in Vermont gave me an incredible appreciation for nature, the Northeast Kingdom in fact is an area with the least amount of sunny days in a year. I know some people get seasonl depression but the seasons at least for me made me feel invigorated. You can keep your hot and humid days and give me a crisp windy day anytime. I hate the heat. I would be moving back to VT if it was not for the fact that the job market is insanely tight and they would rather shun me then give a chance on a flatlander from Mass like me. Also people at least outside of Burlington seemed to be a little less than enthusiastic about the whole civil union thing. I know it did not go over well in the Northeast Kingdom.
So why am I melancholy today on a day where I should be all smiles. Well my father's not doing so well today. I guess he had to be admitted to the hospital today. To be honest it was only a small bump in an otherwise almost text book battle with cancer. But it was big enough to cause concern, as of about 5 minutes ago my mother reports he will be coming back home today so that is good but it just makes the day all the more sobering.
On the good side today is Brian's first full day at Whole Foods here's hoping it is the beginning of a new era for him as far as jobs are concerned, because he has had some real winners. At least at Whole Foods he doesn't have to be concerned about being poisoned my Mercury or Arsenic. My only wish is that he will be as successful as he is happy with his new job. Maybe I'll blog more later but now I need to go back to work.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Join the Cause !!

As some of you know, our local Progressive Talk station was taken down over the holidays and replaced with Salsa Music. Clear Channels response was a generic excuse about maintaining diversity of the public. Boston has 10 count them 10 Conservative talk stations not even one Progressive station now. They kep the station run on auto pilot and for years we've been asking them to boost there signal so that you have better exposure and get more ads. They finally decided to boost there signal after they dropped the format.
If you are a free thinker like me who likes to think for themselves and likes to hear every point of view I urge you to sign the petition . If you, like me, miss hearing Stephanie Miller's sharp wit or Ed Shultz's words from the heartland you need to sign the petition . The direct link is: http://www.bostonsprogressivetalk.net/ . Even if we can not get Clear Channel to bring back the programming at least we can show strong support for the format for future stations that may want to cash in on this great opportunity.

It grows on trees doesn't it ?!

So I got a little more sleep last night, but I didn't get to bed as early as I wanted since I was up fixing and fussing about expenses. I am not really sure how but Brian and I are able to pull off being able to goto Punta Cana for his sister's wedding. Now I love Ellie like my own sister but she had the idea that she would just have a small destination wedding to reduce the cost of a big wedding. So she's getting married on the beaches of Punta Cana, which is absolutely beautiful {that is if you like exploiting third world nations for its natural beauty}. Anyways liberal views aside we thought that it would be a good idea. Well it turns out it may cost her less to have the wedding but it cost us that much more to get to it. So after Brian has left his job, and directly after the holidays we have to cough up about $1200 each to go. She just deferred the cost she was going to pay onto her guests. I think she has realized that it was a little more than she had planned so she is not expecting a wedding gift. I swear I don't know how people do it around here. She lives here in the Fabulous South End (where Brian and I should be living) with her man and she's the VP of training of a Financial company, and her fiancee is a research doctor in biochemistry. Of course they can afford to go to Punta Cana, for the rest of her family, we are just getting by. I was told to treat as a Christmas gift to Brian. Now I love Brian dearly but lately we fore go gifts for each other in favor of gifts for others, and if we do get something we usually go in on it together and it is usually something practical that we need {last year was a dishwasher}. This year I said Frak it I'm getting him an ipod so I got him the new Nano. Anyways to make a long story short {too late} I think we can pull off going to Punta Cana and not put ourselves in the poor house either.
As you may know we temporarily reside with Brian's parents. Its a position I do not want to prolong, and since Brian now has a job I think we should be able to move out come spring after the wedding. Thankfully this winter has been mercifully mild so far since part of our agreement that we offered while living there was to pick up the heating bill. This was before I realized just how drafty the house is and that people have the care free attitude of if your cold turn the heat up! NOOOO! This is God damn New England the heat stays set at a generous 68 degrees in my opinion. If you are cold put a sweater on over that tee shirt. I feel so much like my father its not even funny. The truth is no one in the house has deep pockets so we should not be wasting heat., not that I really think I can change his parents but I have to at least try. I'm not going to sit quietly in my room and not say anything only to be called out when a bill needs to be paid.
Anyways I think we are Natick bound. Its nice and centrally located and reasonably priced, with good shopping and easy access to route 9 and the pike. Plus alot of the rents I have been seeing are comparable to what we were paying in Millis and most are bigger and some come with heat. Needless to say I can't wait. I don't like the moving part but I do like the place of our own again.
So fortunately I am becoming very good with my money, so that by March we will have made it through the big expenses and still have enough to move out on our own again.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

4 Hours of Sleep

I need to get at least 7 hours of sleep to be able to function properly in a day. Last night I got 4 and they weren't good. I think I'm starting to have one of my bouts of insomnia which sucks. I usually go through a period of time in the summer when I can't go to sleep; it lasts for a few days then I'm back to normal. I just would hate to have it now. I'm putting in long hours here at work since it is our end of year and I really can afford to be sleepy and lethargic. Hopefully tonight will be better.
In other news I'm considering getting a second job. It will help to save money and add a little more to the household income to off set Brian's recent career move. The only problem is my current job wipes me out as it is. I guess I'll just play it by ear.
Ok too tired to even right more. I'll be back tomorrow after a good nights sleep.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


Here I am in the lovely blue state of Massachusetts where we can't take a shit without worrying if we are going to offend some one and our legislature goes and vote to ban same-sex marriage. It will now be put up to the public to decide my fate. I don't trust the public, I don't trust anyone who wants to prevent me from taking care of my family but idolizes the escapades of Britney and K-Fed. Fuck that!!!
Don't try and sell me on let the people vote, this is discrimination pure and simple. Everyone of these God Damn bastards who's saying that its not discriminatory and that its our constitutional right to vote can go get bent. Six months from now these hypocrits who say that its not discrimination now are going pulling out every article on Gay pedophilia, stalking, and any other inflammatory picture to paint us evil and hedonistic. I am not evil, and if they've meet my soon to be in-law family they know I'm not hedonistic. I want to be able to have a family though and protect.
Damn them for this, every tragic suicide and death caused by gay panic can be hung around the fat necks of those people chiming for traditional marriage. You want traditional marriage here's my pledge:
If this marriage ban goes through I am going to make my HOLY CRUSADE to ban divorce and annulments.
You want to protect marriage fix your own damn life, stay the fuck away from mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New year, old issues . . . and why Vegan food is not bad at all

Why is it that we (or at least I) magically think that just because it is a new year things will get better. Now I'm not talking about anything tragic, but I fully intended to start the new year off right when I came into work today. I was greeted with all the same problems I left with, plus now I have the added hastle of putting '06 on everything and having to rewrite it.
Alright enough griping as I am seriously committed to my new year's resolutions, paramount to them was having more fun, and griping does not equal fun. Recently I had a very positive experience with a friend of mine. Nikki is a vegan (who now incidentally is trying to be macrobiotic {good luck}) She has introduced to a whole bunch of foods prepared in the vegan style and I'll say they are delicious. Now I have a cousin who married a vegan so he became one too and he has lost alot of weight. Now mind you they were eating alot of weird things as you would think on a diet such as this, but really it does not have to be that weird.
I dare anyone to put their brownies up against the "Banana Split Brownies" I had the other day. Seriously they were the best I had ever tasted, and it was vegan so no milk, eggs, or butter. So now I'm going to be getting a new cookbook (as they are an obsession of mine) entitled Vegan with a Vengeance. I'm not going totally vegan but it does fit into my new way of wanting to eat better. Now it will be easier to get the organic food as well since Brian will be working at Whole Foods and gets a nice discount. It's like we are in heaven. Now we just need to get a kitchen of our own to cook in.
I miss cooking which became evident the other day when we went out to eat with Nikki and Mario to the Elephant Walk. www.elephatntwalk.com Its a very nice restaurant with three locations in Boston, Cambridge and Waltham. I can only judge from the Waltham locations but it was fabulous. Not just fabulous but Fucking FABULOUS!!! There menu there is a combination of both French and Cambodian. For those of you not in the know, during the French Colonial Empire the area that is now Cambodia was once known as French IndoChina. Learn about that here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Indo-China
Apart from that they also have a vegan menu, which most of us decided to partake in. I'll try anything once. Nikki and Brian got a Vegetarian Somlah Kako which is "A hearty Cambodian stew with Butternut and Asian Squashes, snow peas, spinach, yukon gold potatoes in a fragrant broth of lemongrass, galangal, and toasted rice powder". It was excellent. I on the other hand got the Organic Tofu Amrita which is "Organic tofu, flash fried and sauteed in a lightly sweet Cambodian satay sauce with button mushrooms, onion, scallion and red bell pepper". It was absolutely incrdible.
Even if you are not vegan its a good place to check out. Thats enough blogging for one day. Hope you like!
Bon Appetite!