Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Power of Fear

So in the aftermath of the election I am hearing more about a topic that I thought would have moved on. It apparently was such a concern that it influenced the way that people voted. The concern is over whether or not our newly minted President-Elect would be assassinated. People are concerned that this is a very real threat. Reasons stem from politics on down to race, but regardless of the reason every President has faced this threat. You can't tell me that with his stellar approval rating there is not someone one out there plotting right now against our current President. Thats why the Secret Service exists, whether its politically motivated or racially motivated it does not negate the fact that the variable exists and it will be addressed. Don't be naive in thinking that because attention is being drawn to race that somehow it makes the threat more real. The threat was already there, and the idea that man will plot to hurt one of its own will exist for as long as man himself.

Maybe I have a different view than others and I know my humble life is not on par with the level of this country and its direction, but I know that one can not live out of fear. A little more than 8 years ago I came out of the closet officially. It was a rough time but ultimately it was a decision that relieved a great deal of stress. Like anyone else who has gone through that process you have people who understand and support and you have those that don't and ultimately leave you. I remember having a discussion with a loved one who I admire and respect above most in this world. There exposure was admittedly very little to the message I was saying and there knowledge was limited, formed mostly on stereotype. Out of love there was an effort to understand, and through that came one of their main concerns. "What if something happens to you, what if someone does something to you because of who you are"?

Having had months if not years struggling with this I had formed the belief that I still hold true to this day. I can't stop it. Neither can I stop it if I am on the wrong side of the street when a car swerves. I can't stop it because I don't know the future. I don't know what will happen but I do know what I can do today to make for a better tomorrow. I do know that had I gone down a different path, my life would have been worse and I would not be doing the things I love and would not be with the people I am now. Yes there have been difficulties and heart ache but it was the right choice. It was a positive change. If tomorrow I were to be shot for who I am I would have no regret about the path I chose. I would hope that others would see that and see that my life was better becuase I chose not to live in fear. I chose to embrace that change no matter its consequences.

If King, Kennedy, Ghandi, or Lincoln knew their fates do you think they would have done anything different? If they did where would the world be if they did live in fear and not make their contributions? History has judged these men through their actions and the positive things they have left behind as their legacy. Obama is new, but you can not deny the historic significance of what he has already accomplished and while the future is not known, the potential is there. Would you deny the world his impact by keeping him from living the way he choses out of fear? Great men live and die everyday in this world. Its tragic and true, but what is worse to lose is someone with potential that was never realized.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Laughing at Republicans

No this is not a case for Shadenfreude. Just an observation. Its been what 8 hours now since Obama became the President elect. Republicans are already talking about moving to Canada. HUH?? 8 years of steady economic decline, endless war, and civil rights challenges and NOW you want to jump ship after losing one election. Man people face it your way didn't work. The Right is always telling us about being God fearing and religious well show a little Faith. At least when I would joke about such a thing it was after living with the Bush doctrine for 4 years, having my civil rights challenged and seen every promise broken. I mean don't be so full of vitriol. John McCain's concession speech was great and exactly what was needed, but what he didn't need was to quiet the booing and name calling of his opponent. At Obama's speech they cheered McCain and thanked him for his service. People thought the Dems were sore losers yikes. The Reps have just declared their emotional intelligence to be on par with a 5 year old who didn't get his way. Yell, pout, and run away. I would rather you not go though. Like Obama said we need you. Just pull it together.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Get Out and Vote!!!!

Its a beautiful day so no one should have no reason to get out and vote. Of course I care who you vote for but I would rather everyone get the chance to voice their opinion in a public forum. Yes there will be lines, yes it is an investment. It is your duty as an American, and is really the highest form of Patriotism one can aspire to short of giving your life for this country. This year any website or phone number can tell you where you are suppose to vote. You have every resource available to get to the polls to vote.

I voted this morning and yes there was a line and I am damn sure it will get worse throughout the day. Some people I overheard were cranky about waiting in line to vote especially since "We are not a swing state what does it matter anyways?". True Massachusetts is not a swing state, and maybe this erroneous statement would of had an ounce of credibility if the Presidential Election was the only thing being decided on today. ITS NOT. There are also statewide representatives who need your vote. You think an incumbent shouldn't be re-elected? Tell them by voting for the opposition or a write in. I think when they see a disconnect between who the Precint votes for President and their own results, the message will be quite clear. You also have 3 major questions on the ballet. One even concerns your paycheck! How can you say your opinion doesn't matter when you have been given every opportunity to directly influence how legislature will effect you in the future?

Is it a process that needs improving? Yes. Right now though its the best way we have to preserve our democracy. So please get out and vote. Do it for the country, do it for your family, and ultimately do it for yourself. Its not about winning or losing its about the process. You can't have a voice of complaint in the future if you don't open your mouth right now and act.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A lot of ground to cover.

Wow I just found its snowing in Western Mass. I know its been snowing in Vermont but that's to be expected. Not Mass though. I'm excited really. Its no secret how I feel about winter so there's no need to post again.

I however do object to the Christmas lights that already adorn my parent's neighboring condo. I mean damn, that's two months away. Are you getting the pool ready for July 4th on May 4th? Men are you really thinking Anniversary presents two months prior to the event? Women are you drawing attention to your Birthday that early. No its silly. I understand some holiday cheer and spirit, but you think that the holiday has become too commercial? No its really become too competitive. Who can play the first Christmas song? Who's got the first ad on TV? Who's the first station to go all Christmas format? Oh look there's the egg nog in the dairy section. I think the constant quest to be the first is spreading the season to thin, because you know it doesn't end on 25th of December. Soon its January and before you know it the entire 3 months one quarter of the year if not more has been devoted to this endeavor. For all its efforts was it truly worth it? Just something to ask yourself while you are stressing this year for the perfect gift and wrapping. Is it all worth your time, sanity and health to be stressing over this or would your efforts be better spent in maybe actually investing in yourself and your family and truly be thankful for what it is that you have rather than what it is that you think you need. No amount of tinsel, baked goods, turkey, garland, or nog is going to make up all those months of frustration. So this year my challenge to you is to enjoy the season for what it is, nothing more. Save the frustration and stress and stop looking to solve an issue with materialistic ventures. Think heart felt in your gifts if you can afford them, and don't let your neighbors push you into the latest inflatable snow man. Personally I'd rather forgo a gift and share in your company this season than to know you spent more than you can afford on a credit card.

On to subject number two. I admit there are times I can be mistaken, and there are times when I can be out right wrong. Can circumstances of a given time cloud the overall perception of something or someone? Yes. Can someone change over a course of time? Yes. Is it possible that two people with differing opinions on matters function together. Yes. Why am I saying all this? Because its true, and in my time on this planet I have seen a great many things change. No greater a change can come though than from one's own mind. There are always going to be disagreements, some may get heated, hell that shows passion. You do yourself a disservice though if you let that moment define an idea or a relationship. I am afraid I may have done just that. For that I apologize. In tough times a good ally is one that can keep you on your toes and provide an alternating perspective. Its that future I am looking forward to today.

On to subject number three. Ah hell who am I kidding. I'm tired and I'll save it for another day. Good night everyone.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Table Manners

So this afternoon I was talking to a friend and we were comparing notes on how we eat. Of course I couldn't help but think it would make a good subject to talk about on my blog since everyone seems to have their own eccentricities when it comes to food and consumption. Table Manners are one thing. Elbows off the table and all, you'd be surprised how often these get ignored. I don't ask for much and by no means stand on etiquette BUT common courtesy should be respected. I can remember this date I had not too long ago. The "gentleman" I was dining with was sunk pretty much before he even had a chance.

So we arrive at this restaurant and we are seated immediately. As our waitress comes over and explains the specials she takes our drink orders and had I been in my right mind the date should have ended there and then. I ordered my standard and much beloved Club Soda and Lime. Admittedly a little boring, alas very refreshing for the summer, and most certainly not on everyone's drink list. He orders a very odd pairing of House Red Merlot with what will soon be an Alfredo course. Not the best mix in the world but to each their own with wine maybe he just likes that type. These days pairings are done more to the taste of the patron rather than strict rules of Whites with fish and poultry and etc.

"How can you drink that?"
"Pardon me?"
"How can you drink that shit?"

Um??? I know we don't know each other that much, but with in 10 minutes of meeting me he is criticizing me on my choice of beverage. I thought maybe he was joking. Maybe it was an isolated incident.

"Its a lot better for you then soda and its hot out I would rather have the seltzer. Why did you choose the Merlot"?
"Cause it was cheap and I saw someone drinking it the other day, and I want to look cultured". (Note to men - if you want to look cultured don't announce that you want to look cultured.)
"Still I can't believe you drink that crap".

It was at this time I should have ran. To my dismay I didn't I had thought well he likes the same meal as I do maybe this can be salvaged. Besides I hadn't been on a whole lot of dates at this point so I was consigning myself to at least using this as practice. I should have gone over and chatted up the ficus, at least I would have left clean. I always thought the idea of bibs was a bit corny. After this evening though I was wishing that they carried them in bulk at Italian Eateries as well as Crab Houses, because my date upon seeing the plate of food that was set in front him, devolved into what one of co-workers can only describe as a "Beastful Creature". Truly a sight better left unseen. With pupils dilated like teacups he grabbed his knife and fork and attacked his meal with all the grace and refinement of 80's horror movie villain. I mean man, gnocchi is good but this was like air dropping food into Africa bad, and far more wasteful. Maybe he wouldn't have been so hungry if he didn't let half of it hit the table. OR ME!

Check PLEASE!!!

Anyways certainly not the worst date I have been on but thats a story for another time.

Anyways getting back to manners at hand. I don't expect much just common courtesy. With that being said I tend to notice things about people. Their little nuances that makes them who they are. For instance this one doesn't let the silverware touch their lips, that one insists on salting before tasting, this one loves ketchup, that one can't eat chicken on the bone (except for the Kowloon Wings). I don't count myself out of observation as well since I can be pretty particular when it comes to things too. For instance what Jillian and I were discussing earlier is our tendency to eat uniformly. For instance if you have three items on your plate you will eat all three uniformly (not necessarily all at once); in other words we don't eat all the potatoes then move on to something else. Every item has a little bit left until the end, because you always want to end on a good note. Instead of the asparagus end on that final cut of steak, and allow the flavor to linger. Call me neurotic ( I heard that ) but it disappoints me when I forget that and take one last swig of coffee. DAMN now that perfectly seared and peppered steak is gone to be replaced with coffee. Oh well.

In my life though I have observed many people who exhibit similar and differing foibles, maybe not as oafish as my"cultured as McDonald's Yogurt" (sorry Sharon) date; but odd just the same. There are what I call the mashers, those are the people who mix everything together, and optionally dump gravy on it all. There are the cutters, the ones who get a plate of food and spend the next 10 minutes cutting up every last bit into bite size pieces before consuming. The shifters, who move the food around the plate. The players, are usually of a younger age and "play" with the food. There are also the Pickers; they are the ones who will pick out every pea or mushroom in the dish before they can eat it. There are also the Inhalers; who eat as if they have a train to catch (note this doesn't mean they are messy just fast). There are also the Savorers who can make even the quickest fast food meal last as long as 5 course tasting menu. The list goes on and on. What are you? Does one of these hit home, or maybe your a combination. Maybe theres some new category. Maybe someone else has had a bad restaurant date, anyone care to share?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well for some reason I'm really getting into the Halloween Spirit this year. After your done here check out my myspace page and indulge in a little Halloween Mix I made for the occasion. Of course I 99.9% sure I am not doing anything on Halloween but I have a party to go to this Friday which is sure to be fun.

So the cookbook is coming together marvelously. I am still not quite sure of the theme but I have collected alot of recipes so far and a few stories as well. Of course I am always looking for more so be sure to send any my way.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

<< Warning: The Following Post Contains Sappy Language, Some Material May Be Unsuitable For Some Viewers>>

All of us dream of a happy ending. Canned fairy tale love affairs coupled with castles, knight in shining armor, chivalrous and romantic to the core. I had my share of these dreams. I've stared night after night at the ceiling of my cramped bedroom starry-eyed and dreaming of that imaginary figure and in what form they would take when they came into my life. I have definitely had what I thought was my Camelot until it all fell apart in an ending befitting the best Arthurian legends. For a good long while I thought those dreams were behind me, the fancies and spirit of youth tempered by experience of age and practicality.

It is a rejuvenation of the soul to realize that all may not be lost. Be it Fate, Kharma, Magic or even downright good luck whatever it is it will turn the tables when you least expect it. I have been accused of being cryptic in my blogging. While its true I don't like to give the whole story away for the information super highway to read, I will make a brief exception in this case.

As you all know I've started dating someone. He's as kind as he is handsome. With the ability to put a smile on my face despite my worst day. He's given me back a perspective that I thought I had lost and all I can think about is making him as happy as he makes me. Fate though is not without a sense of humor. For time is running out. Very soon he will be departing for Europe for a month. It is a positive thing as he is going on tour with his band, but I can't help but feel a bit saddened. Mere months ago we had no idea of each others existence, a few dates quickly revealed how much we had in common but who knew that would include friends as well. It has been one exciting ride ever since. So Thanksgiving this year will be extra special as it will mark his arrival back here.

Until then though your going to here me go on and on from time to time. I still have my other pursuits that you will hear about. Tomorrow I have a post on the Ghost Tour coming. For now though I'm wishing you all a good night.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is it like ripples in a pond or a bullhorn in a library?

I am utterly amazed at the speed at which information is broadcast these days. Of course I should have known when I updated my Facebook profile this afternoon that word would get out. I just had no idea it would be out so fast and far. Broadcasting a change in relationship status gets a little more attention than just a normal update of what your doing for dinner apparently. After the damage was done though I could of taken down the post but I thought to myself why should I.

In all that is going on in the world it seems like some things are really coming to a turning point and where some see trepidation, I have a more positive outlook on things. Banks will crumble, jobs will be lost, will it effect me? Possibly or even more likely. I know that my heart is in the right place though. In this time of stress, really the one thing that we should all be able to count on is each other. No one person ones the rights to privilege or suffering. I have been seeing it more. People coming together bonding through common experiences to get through some trying times. Pardon me for this terribly Up With People moment but its just the little things I have been picking up on lately.

Anyways getting back to what I was talking about earlier. So I have met someone. No surprise since I have been dating off and on, but I'm surprised at how it all happened. Who knew just saying hi on facebook could lead to anything? Well it has and I'm happy. If you know me well then you either already have the story or its on the way. I won't say too much here other than to say that my life just got a whole hell of a lot more interesting, and I wanted to leave you with one final thought: The thing about fate is that it never takes you were you want to go, but to where you need to be.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Out of the Loop

Hello everyone. Some busy weeks and a major illness have knocked me for a loop and offline when it comes to blogging. UGH. Finally getting better. Who knew I could be so allergic to antibiotics I have taken over the course of my life. Oh well guess I won't use those again. EVER.

But my time sick gave me an opportunity to get some stuff in order and one of the projects I have been putting together is coming to the front burner more. After spending more time at the New England Mobile Book Fair I have decided that its time for me to write a cookbook. While the theme is a work in progress I am collecting recipes with stories of people I have known throughout my life. Of course I will need more so I will be actively searching out for more contacts but for right now I am getting started with friends and family. So feel free to send me your thoughts.

I'm getting excited for the weekend already. I will be house sitting for my parents but more importantly my friend Moe is throwing his annual ghost tour. I don't know if we will end up at John Stones Tavern this year, but it is always so much fun. Just when I think we can't top ourselves we do. This year though it will be earlier in the season and not like last year when we did it in December do to several weather anomalies. I'll be sure to post our adventure and any findings. This year my camera will function normally. I can't wait.

Anywho I'm off to watch the rest of the game and indulge in some yummy mulligatawny soup and salad I got on the ride home.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dear God . . . What's Happening to Me?

First things first lets take care of a little business. I want to give an update to a previous post concerning my family member who had taken ill. As luck would have it there is not much to worry about anymore. A biopsy has confirmed that what we had thought was cancer was just benign scar tissue. You have no idea what a relief it is to hear it.

The effects that the past events have had on my life though are far from fleeting. In fact I think they have been strengthened. What does that all mean? Who knows in the long run. What I do know is that for far to long now I have been idling one could even say passionless. Its about time I find that passion again. Reignite those fires. The last thing I want to do is look back on my life after 30 years and see that I was consistent. I want to be the guy who gets to tell all those stories about his travels and adventures. I want to be happy. So its past time that I do something to get there.

So far I have been weighing several options in my life, and things that I once thought were paramount are now taking a back seat to what my life should really be about. Today I actually found myself enjoying some country music. What the Hell? Bottom line is times are a changing and so am I.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The stars aren't the only thing big and bright down here in Texas.

You always have a preconceived notion about the areas you are going to visit if it’s a popular locale. Texas brings up images of Cowboy boots and hats. For my friend it was cactus and football. In reality though its all true except for the cactus part ( I haven’t seen any yet being in the city and all).

The travel gods were smiling down on us yesterday. We weren’t able to get a direct connecting account to Dallas from Boston. We were supposed to have flown by Chicago (my kind of town). Upon arriving at Logan we were asked if we wanted to fly direct. Without too much discussion we both said hell yeah. So then we were booked on the 1:25 flight to Dallas. It was however 12:45. The plane starts boarding at 1:05.

I wear flip flops to the airport in most cases because I can slip them on and off easily going through security. I am reconsidering this for future flights because they are not conducive to running a mile on concrete floors to catch a flight. We got to the security check point in time to wait in line. As we queued up to wait they started opening up more screening booths. It looked like we were going to make it after all. We only had a few people in front of us. Of course during their extensive wait in line they were just too busy to get any identification out of their wallets or from their purses. I don’t understand how someone can lose it out of the short time it took them to whip it out at check in.

Anyways the woman and the four kids standing in front of me were soon on their way. Smooth sailing from here. WRONG! The TSA agent starts saying out loud “Where is my red marker?” I’m like the other agent came over and took it. “Oh I need it though to let you through.” Then she took off and confronted the guy who took it, and he refused to give it back. They almost broke out into some bizarre cat fight. Finally she snatches the red marker and no lie puts a parenthesis around two numbers. That was it ??? Apparently this is used to highlight the code (that is already printed on the ticket mind you) that signifies we have been randomly selected for additional security screening. “Just step over there and someone will be right with you.”

Grrrr alright. Play nice don’t look inpatient it will only take longer then. Of course I have to bring my black bag which has umpteen million pockets they have wipe/swab down. Finally 1:09 I am out o security and trying to book it down the concourse in my flip flops. We arrive at the gate in the nick of time to get our seat assignments. 31 A and B essentially the back of the plane. Is that the wing out the window? No that’s the engine. I didn’t care I was on the plane would not have to sit in Chicago for hours for a connecting flight. Plus our position was right behind the flight attendant’s cabin so we had a lot of extra leg room.

The rest of the flight was peacefully uneventful. Arriving in Dallas or really the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex (DFW) for short was really no different than most other places I have visited. It was just really flat. Even more so than Chicago I think. At least they have a lake. Soon we were on our way to our hotel just outside Dallas center. I really can’t say enough good things about the place we are staying. I opened up my door and my first reaction was “Where is my bed”. “Oh! This is the living room.” Haha. The hotel rooms are a lot bigger than I am used to, and they come complete with two 40” plasma TV’s. Hell I don’t want to leave the room. Six O’clock was approaching and that meant dinner with our Sales Reps. I’ve got to say I was looking forward to it. I never really had a burning desire to see Dallas, but once I got here I wanted to explore. Our man with the plan Harry took us on a little tour of the parts of the city, and we got to see the Texas Book Depository and the infamous grassy knoll where President Kennedy was assassinated. It looked just like the footage I’ve seen only this time in color. It was eery driving down the same road where the motorcade went down all those years ago. Being a history buff I was happy that I got a chance to see it.

We ended up having dinner at a great Mexican place in a place that has been described as Dallas’ Newbury St. Only without the high-end stores and pretentiousness. What’s left you say? Well tons of restaurants with outside dining. As we were walking to and fro it dawned on me how clean a city Dallas is. Not that I thought it was dirty. It was just very clean especially if you compare it to NYC. Sorry New York. You are many things but clean is not one of them. We ended the night at a sports bar where we had a couple of Dos Equis and watched the Olympics.
Friday was spent at the show and it went well as I took care of the business I had to take care of. Afterwards our friend Harry took us to Bob’s Steakhouse. Its one of those places that if you didn’t know about it you wouldn’t notice it driving by. I mean it was attached to auto detailing place. But hell if they don’t have the best steak I’ve had in my life. Period. I had a blue cheese salad to start and a 16 oz NY strip steak. I can’t believe it was only 16oz. I have seen toddlers smaller. It came with the signature glazed carrot, and pan-fried potatoes topped with sautéed onions and green pepper sauce. Cooked perfectly medium rare to boot. Heaven and Hell on a plate and thank god the office Weight Watchers doesn’t start till next week. The place was perfect no windows and Sinatra and his cronies filled the air. We met Bob, who was not at all as I would have pictured him. I doubt I’ll find another place like it, and it definitely gives me reason to return.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life Interrupted

Well its been several weeks since my last post. I wish I could say that its been all fun. The reality I'm afraid is far from it. While the beginning of my hiatus was marked with fun and friends the past week has been depressing. Those who know me will know whats going on but for now I will just say that some one very close to me has become ill again. While this was always a possibility it was not an inevitability. Cancer is never a certainty you are never really sure if you got it all or if its completely gone. Apparently this is the case today. Despite a quick response and a successful outcome the first time its not looking like it will be a repeat performance this time and it is not looking good at all. Truthfully I am not sure I want to blog anymore. My thoughts are not there and when they are they are far more serious than anything I've spoken of to date.

I think I need some time away...

Monday, July 7, 2008

To get to the other side.

Ever have one of those days that you feel that your the punch line to some cosmic joke. That was today. I had an awesome weekend. The details to follow in a subsequent post. Today thought everyone seemed on edge and half way through the day I felt it all being projected at me. It was enough to freak me out and shut down. Come 5 I was spent and privately wishing I had another long weekend to look forward to. No such luck next one is Labor Day ugh. I'm sure its just a funk and I will snap out of it and be my normal self again. Fortunately a very good friend is a Massage Therapist and did a little work on my shoulders to destress me tonight.

So for the rest of this blog I'm just going to focus on the good things about this past weekend. I went to Vermont, no shock there. It was fun and despite the traffic the ride up was not bad as Nora had lent me an audio book. Prey by Michael Crighton. I liked it and it kept my mind off the traffic and made the ride all the more pleasurable. Upon arriving my friends were out so I entertained myself with a little TV. Definitely a treat and it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt my ecclectic taste as I was switching back and forth between the Military Channel's Weaponology and Kathy Griffin's Life on the D-List.

Friday I woke to some great wheather. Sunny mid 80's and low humidity picture perfect days really. I would later learn that the Mass weather was not so nice, as one friend of mine put it so coloquilly as "hot as a crotch". ewww Glad I could miss it. I did get a chance to do some ballooning but thats tomorrow's post. Saturday I went and saw Wall-E. Probably the BEST Disney flick I have seen in a while. Not too schmaltzy, it was just right and yes the dialogue is almost not there which is why the movie is all that more impressive. I suggest you actually go out and see this one. I also helped some friends put in some windows. Yes I can be manly and do work with power tools. In truth its not all that much different than the equipment I worked with in my grandfather's shop years ago. The only difference is its smaller and has more safety features. Windows went in well and level I might add and then we cooked out on the grill. A great reward for the days work, but then it was time to depart back to Mass. Definitely not my favorite part of trip but it gave me a chance to finish the audio book.

I look forward to the next time I get up there hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Only In Newton?

So I am in a much better mood today. Mainly because I sucked it up and went to the gym today. I have been getting a little lax and have noticed a pound or two start to creep back on. I worked very hard to get rid of them so that's the last thing I want. So at about 7 I left work and headed for the gym, I surprised myself in my workout and will probably pay for it tomorrow but there were some aggressions that needed to be extricated. Now I'm home writing with an endorphin high, which do more wonders for you than any drug you can take. Or at least I would imagine.

So I work in Newton. If you've never been its rather a unique town. Collectively I think the population takes a dump maybe once a year. Its that uptight. The people can be so anal retentive that there ass as its own gravitational pull. I know this to be true because most times my foot just wants to kick them. After about 6 years of working here I never fail to see a week where someone tops the rudest or supremely narcissistic behavior from the week prior. Seriously some of these people are downright evil and will go out of there way to make you have a bad day. Driving is bad enough. No one stops for people in cross walks, and no one lets anyone out on to the main road even if they are stopping at a red light. Last week I wanted to pull out and this one guy saw me sitting there trying to get out and he SPED UP to a red light so I couldn't go and waited at the light. Then as it came time to go he crawled away all the while looking at me. What an Asshole. Its not like I did something wrong to him or cut him off he was just an ASSHOLE.

There is a reason why Newton is one of the safest places to live in America. It was almost the first again until that little murder last year. Criminals don't bother, they take one step in the town and go "Shit! This isn't worth that aggravation". I do need to give credit where it is due and I will say that for the most part the business that I frequent on a day to day basis are really good, and they put up with a lot of shit from there clientele. New England Soup Factory, Pie Bakery and Cafe, The Biltmore, Dunn Gaherin's, and Holly Cleaners are all superb in their customer service and know how to treat people like people. Some even, gasp!, build relationships with their regulars.

So now you know what I see and deal with on a daily basis, so tonight coming home from the gym its about 9:30 at night and I am driving down Winchester in Newton and I look over and this guy is walking down the street in full leather garb. I'm serious. Leather pants, leather vest with no shirt and gut hanging out. I had all I could do not to swerve off the road laughing so hard. I mean the guy looked like he just strolled out of the Ramrod. So is THIS what Newton is like after dark? Seriously the only thing tight on this guy had to be his chaps. Well here's hoping that the folks in Newton find a happy medium and relax a little or the town will have a stroke.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend Update

Smörgåsbord: 1. a buffet meal of various hot and cold hors d'oeuvres, salads, casserole dishes, meats, cheeses, etc. 2. an extensive array or variety. It is that second definition that describes my weekend. Certainly filled with its highs and lows. I watched a movie, travelled to Maine, and even went on a date. Those were definitely the highs. The lows came later with a healthy dose of introspection. Its not that I am unhappy this evening its just that I am not in the normal peace of mind I have come to expect these days. So I will try to keep this short.

1. I saw the Hulk. Not as good as Iron Man. But it has Iron Man in it. Either way 2008 is proving that Marvel knows how to transition there characters to the big screen. Its a shame so many of there other more "famous" characters are owned by Sony and can't be touched without them.

2. I was in Maine early today touring the York Harbor Inn. Nice place to stay even if the decor in the rooms is a little to ecclectic. They do have an amazing brunch. As it was comped we had no problem with having the run of the menu. I will give them major points for actually having a fresh Bearnaise sauce. Its very hard to come by and in many "brunch" places the choice is a reconstituted Hollandais.

On the way back we hit a small storm that was strong enough to knock some patio furniture into the streets. I also was able to pick some bread from the When Pigs Fly Bakery. Yumm.

3. Finally the crux of my weekend was my date. I know I was nervous on Friday. I know now that I can take a look back and laugh at myself. Its amazing how much a person can psyche themselves out. Fortunately for me my date was a charming gentleman who actually believes in the art of conversation and the art of Martini's. hehe I digress though. It started out a little rough as the outside dining turned out to be more of an outside Sauna with no shade, and I need to give thanks to the the jackass who dropped there lit cigarette down the subway ventilation shaft. It caused a small fire that required two trucks to show up with horns blazing. Not that I minded since the fire was effectively smoking us out. Had I never been to this restaurant before I would probably not be going back. Anyways some shopping and a few Martini's later and all was right in the world again.

Now my weekend is over and my work week will begin a new. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood tomorrow and right more. Sorry kind of blah tonight.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What I've been up to.

Its been a busy week and a hot one to boot. The weekend saw me visiting Nashua NH and painting some rooms for my good friends Nikki and Mario. While we did not get to do all the rooms we had planned on, we did get most of them done, and it was an ambitious plan from the start. Saturday night I was treated to a nice Indian dinner in Newton Center, and a little treat from Coldstone. Despite the humidity it was a really nice night to be walking around, and the meteorologist in me really appreciated watching the heat lightning off in the distance.

Sunday was truely a day of rest. I spent most of the day staying cool has all the heat and humidity made the air truely stagnant. I did venture out in the evening with my roommate to nice place called "The King and I" on Charles St. in Boston. Amazingly there was even a patron who looked like Yule Brenner. We finished the night by walking to Karaoke and watching the Celtics on the bars TV. It was an ecclectic night, but fun just the same.

All this week at work our Sales Department from the around the country have come home for our annual sales meetings. I enjoy talking to them all face to face since I normally converse with them over the phone. My company doesn't do much advertising on this side of the Atlantic as far as TV ads are concerned; however in the UK you can bet your arse we do.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I was robbed!

Of a perfectly good weekend!!! The weather was gorgeous and I had all these plans but low and behold Saturday I woke up with a headache that would last until Monday. By then it was too late. I had missed a party on Saturday and missed out on an opportunity to go to Canobie Lake. I guess it just wasn't in the cards. I did get plenty of rest but I still can't help but feel as if I was let down.

I suppose I should take some solace in the fact that I was able to make it out last Friday. coming quitting time I jumped into the car and headed out for good old Bellingham. Driving through my old stomping grounds of Millis and Medway felt odd, but I was heading to a movie with friends so I wasn't about to let it get me down.

So what did I see? Well despite only having a rudimentary understanding of the plot and having seen exactly zero episodes, I found myself in the middle of a sea of women watching Sex and the City. So many women that I think by the time the movie was over I was in sync with their cycles. As far as the movie goes. It was enjoyable for me although know there a lot references and cameos I just did not get. Oh well. The main point was to see some friends and get to socialize.

This upcoming weekend may see us with our first heat wave for 2008. I know that I will be heading up to New Hampshire on Saturday to help some friends paint there new house. Other than that who knows. I just hope its headache free whatever it is.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Zero to Hero In No Time Flat

Welcome to what I hope will be a regular occurrence here at the Key of G. We'll try it weekly that way I can be sure to at least post something throughout the week that's topical. I can't promise prose but it will be contemporary, most likely political, hopefully funny, and probably bitchy. Just wanted to let you know what your in for. You don't agree post a comment, if you do agree post a comment. If I enlighten and cause you to ask question something my job is complete, but if I offend you probably haven't been on the Internet all that long because there is much more objectionable material on the net than little old me. So without further ado:

Thursday May 29th 2008

Conservative commentator and guest host of The O'Reilly Factor (da Factah here in Boston) Michelle Malkin made waves this week when she complained about the new Dunkin Donuts ad featuring Rachel Ray. What could she possibly have to say about this decades perky domestic diva? I'd complain too if I had to watch one more commercial from the overly caffeinated Up With People personality. However the criticism was not over her spunk but with her scarf.

Apparently according to Malkin's keen fashion sense; Ray's new look closely resembles that of a Keffiyeh. Although worn in many Arab nations in many different variations. Malkin is asserting that Ray's scarf is none other than a direct nod to Muslim Extremists comparing it to the one commonly adorned by Yasser Arafat. Michelle honey, that's paisley not PLO. Over my many years of visiting Dunkies I never thought my Medium Regular was covertly being used to support the destruction of Israel. If that's so why do they sell Bagels?

Malkin, you like the sound of your voice and its sad that you use your soapbox to continue to drive a wedge down the cultural melting pot that is this nation. All Muslim's are not extremists, you don't want to buy DD's coffee fine, I submit to you that you may want to hoof it from now on because where do you think the gas from your car comes from. Your claims are ridiculous although not surprising considering your support of Racial Profiling during the latest War on Terror and the Japanese Internment Camps of WWII.

Until I walk into the local Dunkies and have someone call me an Infidel; you Michelle Malkin are this week's Zero.

On the Flip side!!

Who's that out in Left Field??? Holy Crap I think its Scott McClellan!! Who knew my first Hero would be Scott. Tuesday this former orifice for Right Wing propaganda released excerpts from his first Book What Happened. In it he unabashedly criticizes his former boss. Stopping short of telling us that the President out-and-out lied to us about the reasons to go to war in Iraq, he does say "I had allowed myself to be deceived into unknowingly passing along a falsehood," and further he says that the President "managed the crisis in a way that almost guaranteed that the use of force would become the only feasible option." Well well Scott what took you so long? Maybe this is how long it takes to build a conscience, even if it is a little guilty.

The Whitehouse's response was as familiar as it was reaped with irony. "Scott, we now know, is disgruntled about his experience at the White House," said current White House press secretary Dana Perino, a former deputy to McClellan. "We are puzzled. It is sad. This is not the Scott we knew." I say ironic because it was Scott himself who back in response to Joe Wilson's book The Politics of Truth; which chronicles amongst other things his wife's outing as a CIA agent, called Joe "disgruntled" and "disappointed at his appointment in the current administration".

Well Scott for your new found conscience and ability to eat crow I crown you this week's Hero!!

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks Hero to Zero file. If you like it please comment; if you don't let me know as well. Until next time I leave you with this quote from Abraham Lincoln ~ America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Let Me Tell You About My Perspicacity

So while I am on lunch and over caffeinated I figure I would put up a list. As most of you know I am avid reader and as a natural side effect you expand your vocabulary. Normally I don't use words like the one in my title, its just pompous. Of course as Elizabeth would tell you I'm pompous anyways so that's why I am breaking out the big words today and one day only. I don't mean to Pontificate but over the years there have been several words that I have used over the course of my career which have vexed certain co-workers. I wish to share those magnanimous words with you today.

Manhandle (apparently others can use the words just not me)
Verbose (how Ironic)
Urban Sprawl
Slacks (apparently it makes me sound like I'm 50)

How about you? Is your vocabulary just copacetic or do you have any words that cause people to cringe? LOL

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back In Business . . . And Ain't It Grand

Well well well. Where to begin. Last I posted online here, I was in Vermont having a great time. Sure enough the remainder of my time there was just as great as how it started. Even more important than what I did when I was there was what I took away from the experience. I was unfocused before I went. Sure I was me, but I was going through the motions, I was surviving not living, and I felt as if I was missing something. So I had high hopes for this time off, and amazingly it paid off.

Alot of things I experienced were personal and will not be shared here. Sorry but its just how I roll. Having been back down here for a few weeks now I can say that euphoria has not gone away. Sure the tasks of everyday life have resumed but I feel like my soul has been restored. That my friends is the crux of it. You see many people go on vacation and end up not wanting to come back. Its a sign of a great vacation. You question why you have to go back. Well the answer is its not sustainable. Chances are you saved and spent thousands on that great vacation. I spent nothing, well almost nothing, and had a great time. Had I wanted to do any of the stuff I did up there I would be spending some big bucks. I did not. The way of life is just that much simpler and the people that more honest. You really have a sense of community where I am afraid my experiences down here have shown that you are more left to your own devices. I concede maybe that's just my experience; however, I used to walk to lunch everyday, and everyday I saw people who could not give a damn about the person they almost just ran down. They couldn't be bothered to say thank you to the person who just made there Low-Carb burrito, with no onions, extra cheese and lite on the guacamole, even though they have to make something for 20 more assholes just like them in line. My experience is that its all a "ME" society today here, and when your focused on "me" you don't care about "you". There needs to be a balance its called "us" and its definitely out of whack down here.

So those of you that read this that have dissenting opinions (and I know your out there) should be asking "well why don't you just leave then". Have no fear I intend too. Just not right now though. Yes that was the biggest thing I took away from my vacation. I will be moving to Vermont. Those are long term plans though, and something to work toward for future plans in the years to come. Right now though I have a great job, and one that I believe I still have alot to contribute to. Its a great company its just not in the place I want to be.

Massachusetts is my birthplace and I love it for what it is, but its not my home, its not where I recharge, its not my future. So I will be looking for opportunities that will get me what I want. The more I learn here the easier it will be for me to move on later. What's important to me is not what's important to most people I meet everyday, and that's the biggest issue. City life is good and you can experience alot, but I want a house and a garden, so unless I commute in for a hour and half to work everyday its unlikely I'll get what I want. I also don't want to be the eternal college student rooming with people in ridiculously overpriced apartments. I don't want to be sitting in a bar with same people I was with 10 years before, wondering where my life went.

You can stay young in mind and spirit, but you can't relive the "glory days" those days are past and its time to write the next chapter. After all who wants to read a book if nothing ever changes after chapter 2. When I look back on my life I want to see a life of experiences, not someone trying to reclaim the good old days.

My true friends down here understand this, and support me. In fact many have the same opinion as they look to building there own futures. Whether it be moving to North Carolina, building a new house, changing a career, or even getting married they all know that life is full of changes some are forced upon you and they make you stronger. Some are chosen and that my dear reader is what defines our lives. Anyone can react to a challenge, but how have you chosen to change your life for the better. What new chapter do you want to have in your book, and is merely surviving what you really want?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blue Skies Smiling At Me

Well I just got back from my morning expedition in the woods of Vermont. Apart from wrenching my shoulder climbing over some rocks I'm in good spirits and while I rest up a bit before deciding what to do for the remainder of the day I thought I would inform you about the rest of yesterday's events. As you know from previous posts my best friend Mat flies hot air balloons as a hobby. Well he and Mitch decided to pay me back in kind for the help I gave them last year. While I would have been just as excited to crew I was told that I would be going up.

Now lets be straight with something. I like to fly. In PLANES. I kind of have a thing for heights. Its not usually a good thing either. So needless to say I was a bit apprehensious at first. Of course though there was not to much time for nerves. I really kept pushing it aside until we actually got to the fairgrounds and started taking the balloon out.

This is the Freedom II. It is just about double the size I helped launch last year. The bigger the balloon the more cargo can go. For this trip it was Mitch, Mat, James and myself. This was really the last picture I could snap before things got moving to fast. Once that thing gets filled with hot air you are on the move. So before I knew it I was jumping in the basket securing my spot for flight. For those that have not flown you should know that this is (usually) the most jostling part of the experiance. With only Mat and myself in the basket there was not as much weight and that balloon wants to fly so it pivots on the point that its being tethered too and that is the basket, so we rocked back and forth until James jumped in and finally Mitch. At that point it was time to go. So the crew time let go and we were off, and amazingly all that bumping around went away. We started to fly up and since we are only going as fast as the wind. Its as if you are just floating away. Not at all like the forces when you take off in a plane. It was really quite peaceful.

See the conditions need to be just right to fly and the Balloon enthusiast community is not that big, so when its going to be a good day. Like it was yesterday, its not uncommon to have friends fly in the sky with you. There were to other balloons flying yesterday with us. The Multi-colored one whose name I did not get was piloted by a Marketing Exec from Ben & Jerry's. The second balloon that was even bigger than ours was piloted by another gentleman who flies professionally. He also happens to be the guy who will be Marrying my friends Mat and Tina on Saturday. He flys the Inn at Essex. Coincidentally this is the maiden voyage of that balloon. It had only been flown once in Spain. This was the first time here in the states so there was much hooplah around it. We flew about an hour and I took many pictures which I have posted here. There are alot of the Inn at Essex Balloon pictures. Since it was its maiden flight I thought it only fitting to have a good record of the event. Plus I know the pilot was not in the best of spirits do to an incident that occured at the Bachelor Party. I figure a good shot or two of the balloon would raise his spirits. After all when you are flying in a balloon its kind of hard to take pictures of it. Which is why I don't have to many of Freedom.

We flew for about an hour playing Cat and Mouse most of the way. All totalled we went about 3.5 miles. As we came in for our landing which is not as bad as you would think. I have heard some stories about landings. This one was textbook. Didn't even require a drop line to help the balloon come down on target. All the while we were flying we stayed relatively close to the deck since that was where most of the wind was in the direction we wanted to be heading. It allowed us to fly over alot of houses in low enough to talk to people. Once again just want to point out how friendly Vermonters are. People stopped their cars and came out of their houses and started waving. You can't help but wave back. We even passed over a house having a party and they wished us a happy Cinco de Mayo. (Remember that) I felt like we were on parade. Once you are in the air though people don't always just watch you fly by. The try and catch up with you as well. So when we landed we had a nice little contingent of fans that showed up some were of the furry variety like our pal Iko here. We were fortunate enough to land in a parking lot with plenty of room. Remember you can't steer a balloon you land where the wind tells you when you run out of fuel. We landed about 20 minutes before sunset, and were packed up by sun down.

That's not quite the ending to our story. You see for years now I have listened to my friend talk about Ballooning not once did he talk about any of the traditions. To enhance the evening and make it more special I was given a nice ceritificate for my first flight and we all shared in a glass of Champagne. However not without a little abject humiliation first. I enjoyed it all and it was in good fun, I felt like I really was initiated into the club. We had the sabreing of the Champagne. Mitch gave us (well me) the speech of the birth of ballooning starting all the way back to Roger Bacon. Then it was time for the toast. However I knew things were going south when Margaret took my glass from my hand and placed it on the dirt. As you can see from the pictures. After Mitch said is last words, I had to then drink it. Without using my hands on my knees. There was much cheering and I as documented here able to do it. We headed out for one last tradition. There is a local pizza place nearby that is sort of a post flight haunt, and we all showed up for dinner having earned it. Remembering that it was Cinco de Mayo from our flight I drank myself to blissful inebriation on Corona, and thus ended a very very fine day. I am not sure when I will be able to fly again, but I now know why it is that they do. There is an incredible amount of freedom thats felt by being up there in the sky. What once may have been a fear is now in my blood, and I'll be honored to earn my keep by crewing for another flight. "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." -- Leonardo Da Vinci

Monday, May 5, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday - NOT!

Greetings from the Green Mountain State. So far my impromptu vacation is turning out to be one of the best ones I have taken in my life. It started on Saturday by attending a Black-Tie event for the Triangle Organization. It was a fun rewarding evening, despite the fact that I was missing the festivities in Vermont I did have a good time. It also provided a good opportunity for my co-worker Katie and to bond. The Hyatt in Cambridge is a rather nice hotel. I had not realized this until I stepped foot in it Saturday night.

Its really apparent to me this weekend how varied my tastes are. As happy as I was Saturday night all dressed up, driving around the city at night, listening to Sinatra on the radio after coming home from this gala event. I was just as happy up here in Vermont. As fancy as the dinner was on Saturday, the cookout Sunday night at Mitch's house was just as enjoyable. I can't help but be reminded of how much more pleasant people in Vermont are. From standing in line at the store to letting people go in traffic. There is simply no comparison. To be honest I have met Mitch only a handful of times, the longest time I spent with him was last year ( see post: Ka-Ching ). Granted I helped him out but I felt like family at his house the other night. Honestly meeting people like that this day and age does make me sad at how cynical I have become over the years. I suppose Boston has its charm, but the city folk can be less than charming.

The sun set and so passed Sunday. Monday I awoke really without having to much planned. I knew there were a couple of things I wanted to do but really I was just going to let the day go as it unfolded. I was able to sleep in with no alarms and my own internal clock decided to shut itself off until about 10AM can't tell you the last time I slept that late. I had a nice lunch downtown at a favorite restaurant called Sweetwaters. This lead to me driving a short while down route 7 to South Burlington. There I went exploring in Red Rocks Park. I opted out of the beach and went for the trails which were so curved and looping I estimate I walked about 3 miles on the trail and and down hills.

It was time well spent as I was able to experience, even for a short time, that connection to nature. Yes the scenery was classic Vermont. Yes it was a beautiful day, not to hot and not too cold. I did though run into a few things you don't see everyday. First I was able to take notice of the various birds. While resting a woodpecker landed right in front of me on a tree and started pecking away. It was kind of fun to watch him do his thing. Shortly there after I was able catch sight of a Hawk close up. Now I've been in the city so long I forget what the birds sound like other that seagulls and pigeons. I was truly a marvel to see the Hawk in its natural environment as it stalked its prey.

Then as I was walking back I turned the bend and came across a man and his wolf. Yes wolf. It was as long as the man was tall and it was a great beast of a creature. Your don't realize how big they are when you always see them in pictures. This one was well behaved, I know it was domesticated but you can't help notice the sheer power and build of the animal. It may have been passive but you can't help but respect the creature and to my surprise I was not scared in the least. Not sure why my flight or flight never kicked in. Eventually we parted ways after a passing conversation and as I was heading back I decided to head down closer to the water to stick my feet in the lake.

The date is May 5th. Just a few short weeks ago it was still snowing in Vermont so of course the lake is no where near swim worthy, but it was refreshing just to stand in for a few minutes to cool off. As I was sitting on the rocks with my feet in the water I became aware of movement behind me. Not footfalls like a person, but of an animal. So I turned and found myself face to face with my wolf friend. Who stopped looked at me and quietly walked past me into the water. He too decided he needed to cool off. I cursed myself for not bringing my camera I only had my cell camera and it was buried in my bag. Finally he decided he had enough and went back on to the rocks and sat by me for a few minutes. I know he was a he because his owner soon started calling him and his name was Aaron.

Call me nuts or a fool, or both but I felt this connection to this creature and knew that it would not harm me. Even though it is fully capable of doing so. Soon Aaron and his owner were on there way and I decided to follow suit since I needed to be back in time for round two of my day.

To Be Continued . . .

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Get Lost!

So for the past few weeks I have been catching up on a little TV. In fact, I have watched most episodes of Lost online. I can't help it, its a very addictive show, and as I said I was making a concerted effort to get caught up. That is until today.

I made it all the way up to this season. There are only 3 episodes that I haven't seen yet and I would be caught up. ABC had other plans and decided to take down the most recent episodes. DAMN YOU!!! Now I can't watch tonights episode after all, and unless this is just a minor glitch I'm going to have to become friends with someone with a DVR who watches it real fast.

There could be worse things in life but this just irks me. I was planning on packing and watching some TV tonight. Some really no stress stuff oh well. Is it me or is anyone else really getting hit hard this allergy season. Normally I got a week or two of sniffles and red eyes but seriously I look like I smoke pot and sound like I have cotton balls shoved up my nose. That being said I can't help but notice that one of my neighbors must be cooking bacon. Its about the only I can smell right now.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh, What Fresh Hell Is This?

Ever have on of those weeks were you just can't get ahead of things. This week and last were both those types of weeks. So it is with much joy and anticipation that I look to my vacation next week. There's just a few things I want to say first before I begin.

1.) Commerce Insurance / AAA have no concept of customer loyalty and must not care about there business.

2.) AMICA on the other hand does live up to its reputation as being excellent in customer value.

That being said lets move on. I had the distinct honor a couple of weeks ago in attending my friends' wedding. Finally after over a decade of dating and some major lobbying at the statehouse Jeff and Moe were able to be married. What went from being a possibility of a washout turned out to be a beautifully sunny day. Especially out in Sherborn where the wedding was held.

The reception was good and everyone had fun. Perhaps a little too much fun (eh, Sharon). All I do know is that there was plenty of dancing and fun. Although my shirt needed to be dry cleaned the very next day. Someone who shall remain nameless planted there face into me and upon getting home I discovered that my shirt looked like the Shroud of Turin. I would have taken a picture but I figure then someone would want to buy it on E-Bay. Come to think of it that's not a bad idea.

I was also able to experience my first Boston Marathon. I don't think I will ever be at the point were I could run it myself, I'm more of a sprinter. My apartment was pretty much on mile marker 22. So early that morning I set out to watch the people go by. I should have left earlier. At the point where I needed to cross to get to Rob's building there were too many runners. I figured I would be the guy that ran fell and caused a mass pile up of bodies.

So I patiently waited my turn. It was then that some old curmudgeon of a man decided he wanted to cross the street. He walked with a cane, at a snails pace and decided that the Marathon had to wait for him. I'm surprised the man did not meet his maker that day. He could have easily been trampled or worse clocked out of the way, and I wouldn't have blamed the runners if they did. Instead they sort bunched up and banged into each other as they avoided him. I guess you can be allowed to be rude when you get that old. He could have very easily been helped by the officers that were 10 feet away.

Enough about the old coot. We walked down to mile marker 24 which conveniently was Coolidge Corner and watched the people come running down, at this point they are really just a little over 2 miles from the finish and they are in better spirits then back where we were. Keep in mind I live just on the other side of Heartbreak Hill. Pretty much after that its clear sailing as far as hilly terrain. What surprised me the most was how good everyone looked, there was no crawling on the ground like they have on the news and such. Despite that fact though I had heard from one of the EMT's that there was at least 3 heart attacks. I can't imagine wanting to run that badly.

It was a great weekend and that extra day off helped. So I decided that I would extend my time in Vermont next week and make it a whole week instead of just a long weekend. I am looking forward to it. I have a few things wedding related to do, and visiting my friends will be great, but I have also sort of scheduled little expeditions for myself. Just little things here and there that I have not been able to do before while up there. I'm hoping to get outside alot more as well.

Until then I have a bunch of work to do to get ready. I have a coupon for a free audio book download I am not sure what I will get but I know I should get something for the long ride. I also have an event on Saturday night I will be attending. It should prove to be interesting. It will be the first time ever I'll be going out with a knockout blond woman. LOL Mom would be so proud.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No Mountain too High, No Valley too Deep ...

... to keep me from good Indian food. Well its been over a year since I have been there so tonight the craving got the better of me so I grabbed Rob and took him to my favorite Indian Restaurant. Simply named India the place is located in Providence and has a couple other locations. To my surprise it was recently renovated and I must say it looks better than ever. The menu seems to be getting an overhaul as well, but all the favorites are there. Including a few new items that I think will be sure to please.

This afternoon was just too good of a day to waste, so I figured a mini road trip was in order. Besides I have challenged myself to be having more fun lately. This sure fit the bill, and was a good way to break up the week. I can go to the gym tomorrow.

Ever feel like something big is coming? That vague notion that you can't put your finger on. I can't help but feel that way lately. I have no idea exactly what it is, but I know its neither good nor bad it will just be a change. Its coming and I am as ready as I will ever be for it. I'll let you know more as they develop.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Get Your Mind Out Of The Gutter

Well this weekend went by fast. I guess I had fun which always makes it go by faster. Went shopping and spent some time with Rob on Saturday and Sunday was spent in my old stomping grounds. Never knew a town so small would could stir up so many memories. So Sunday I found myself in Millis. The Roche Bros. specifically as I was getting some last minute things for Jeff and Moe's Shower/Bachelor Party extravaganza. The place had not changed much. Not that I had expected it to, it was just odd, like I had just stepped back in time. Finishing my errands I quickly headed over to Medway for the party. It was a good group of people and some are my closest friends most of which I had not seen since either my party in February or even as far back as the Tarot party in January.

I won't spoil Jeff's thunder by writing about his gifts, I'll let him do that on his own blog, however they did range from the tragically funny to the humorously practical. It was pot luck so we all brought something. Apparently most people had Italian on the mind since we had plenty of Lasagna, Meatballs, and Anti-pasta. I too was in the mood for Italian having brought over a bucket of Comella's Grandpa's mess. I also was in the mood for a good drink and learned that Mimosa's need not be made of just Orange Juice. I found replacing it with Pomegranate/Blueberry Juice to be even better than the original.

With plenty of food eaten and gifts open we darted over to Milford en mass to Pinz for some bowling. It was a fun time but it did illustrate how bad my wrist is getting. I'm at the point where I should really talk to a Dr. about it. I wasn't much good for more than a couple of strings and a few balls were painful to throw. We did have some cake which Martin made from scratch no cake mix, no frosting in a can. The real thing through and through and I was impressed.

Some people got to go for a ride in my new car too. Which I was very excited about. The whole day was fun and its only the first of many wedding related events going on for me in the following two months. Jeff and Moe will be getting Married next Saturday. My best friends Mat and Tina will be tieing the knot in mid May and my own sister will be rounding out the month of May. So there will be no shortage of party or events to attend.

In truth these are all important people in my life but I can't help but feel a bit of disappointment. It was only a few short years ago I thought I would be married before each of these couples. Now I find myself back at square one. I am not devastated over it mind you, because even if I had been Married before them I would have gotten a chance to experience the Ugly Divorce as well, and that would have made it that much worse.

So I say to them this: Enjoy the time you have and never take a day for granted. There are no certainties in this world but if you are honest and open with each other you will have a soul mate for the rest of your life. I couldn't think of any couples more deserving of life long happiness and I'm glad to be part of your special days.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Is it ironic or just funny ( I have trouble with that sometimes ) that the letters of my name can be arranged to spell Rare Gay Letter. There are a couple others but there not as funny as that one. These are the things that I think of that kept me out of the good schools.

So today was a great day weather wise. Even Wednesday night was great I was able to get out and do a lap around the reservoir. Today though walking out for lunch was great. It felt odd being outside without a jacket on, but at the same time it felt good. Was also able to drive around in the new car with the windows down. It felt good. I love the Winter but even I will admit to finding enjoyment when Spring Weather comes around.

I guess it reminds me of being back at school. Where Spring came really late in the year and when it came the whole campus just about shut down that first good day. I can remember one day in particular where a certain group of classmates decided that maybe we shouldn't go back inside right away from the break. Sure enough the professor ends up canceling the rest of the class. Whats even funnier is that was my Customer Satisfaction class. Guess it didn't do any harm in the long run considering my profession. You really have to have attended the school in order to understand the full effect of a Sunny Lyndon day. That's what today felt like.

Monday, March 31, 2008

A Minor Course Correction

Well the weekend did not quite go according to plan. (What ever does?) Instead of just working in the morning Saturday I worked the better part of the day. I did get to enjoy a nice dinner in Quincy at what is becoming my favorite Mexican Restaurant - La Paloma.

Its small and unassuming but its got great food, and some of the best Margarita's I've ever had. My favorite (because its the only one I order) is the Pepper-ita! Its a got everything you would expect to find in a regular one but with the addition of Tequila that has had Jalapenos fermenting in it. The result is a sweet, salty, sour, spicy drink that goes down well. Seriously almost like kool-aid but with a kick!

Sunday though we had originally planned to go to Newport, but those plans were changed when we discovered that the store we had wanted to visit was not quite what we wanted when we checked it out online. So we tabled that trip for another time. We did head up to Salem. Now I have never been to Salem so I was a bit curious about what goes on up there. To my surprise however the answer was, not much. Or at least not much right now. It was really quiet. There were a lot of shops and we checked out quite a few but I have to be honest. I understand and support Wicca as a religion, but it does nothing for the cause when you sell fake blood, fangs and fake dog poo. Don't get me wrong there were a few stores that did seem authentic but for the most part it was all very commercial.

Another thing I noticed was the proliferation of herbs all over the place. I know there are "magical" qualities that are suppose to come from them, but those are based roughly on the medicinal benefits you get from them. One would take the herbs and fashion a tea, tincture or salve from them and apply as needed and directed. No its not magic its actually science. Where do you think the pills in the bottle came from. Alot of them are chemicals these days but medicines were once made from nature so its not as strange as it may sound. Where am I going with this? Well the herbs I saw all around were all sealed up, but it was quite obvious they may have been packaged during the Nixon administration. What once was dried green, is now brown dust. At this point I doubt they would be any benefit to anyone. By now all the essential oils, and medicinal properties these items once had are long gone, so I would think that it would reason that so would its "magical" properties.

Maybe I just realized how to make a buck off all those old spices I was just going to through away.

After we stopped by The House of Seven Gables. I took some photos. One of the house and one of the view from the house. It was next door to the birthplace of Nathaniel Hawthorne, who personally is not my favorite author but I can appreciate his work. He spent time in the house growing up and lead to him writing the story of the same name.

For lunch we stopped by Woodman's in Essex. Its rumored to be the place where Fried Clams were invented. I have yet to find the truth to that but I do know they make a damn fine clam. Just about everything is award winning and its all homemade. From Onion Rings to Shrimp its all fresh and its all fried golden goodness. I skipped out on my usually Clam Chowder, I know I know! I get the clam chowder, wherever I go. Just not today and not here. I was not feeling it. Besides as I am beginning to discover this is New England, you can't go two feet without seeing someone's "award" winning clam chowder. Hell I think even Friendly's claims they have award winning chowder. So I passed on it. What I did have blow my mind was the onion rings. They were just perfect as well as everything else. Except for maybe the coleslaw I didn't try it but Rob didn't like his. Oh well nobody is perfect.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Resident Parking Only

That's pretty much all you see down Commonwealth Ave. Designed to give residents enough places to park. Of which I am very appreciative of considering I live practically on the BC campus. However since I got a new car I need a new sticker, something of which I am trying to get, but our lovely state has a different set of rules for people who lease. So it requires a letter form my insurance company proving that I live in Boston, because my mail, or my registration or my driver's license is not enough.

Now this would be alright if I had that letter from my insurance but they have not been able to send one yet, nor have they been able to even fax me a copy. Thus it lead to a nice little bright orange envelope on my car this morning. $40 is the fine by the way for parking in a resident section space. I am hoping I can win the appeal I mean I even park down along the area for the St. John's seminary where Cardinal Law used to call home. No one parks there. I figure since I am not a 12 year old boy I'd safe. Today I spoke with my insurance company and they said they would mail and fax the letter. So far no fax. Tomorrow will be a pleasant morning for AAA when I call, and God help them if I have another ticket.

So this weekend I'm going to be working a bit on Saturday and Saturday night I'll be helping Rob pack to move. Fortunately he hired some movers so all we'll have to do is pack the boxes. Probably the easiest move I will have done in years. Sunday though I think we are off to Newport to do a little shopping. So I know I will have a little bit of fun then. Maybe I'll get a chance to see some friends this weekend to depending on everyone's schedules.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Any which way but back.

Well I know its a little overdue but better late than never. The poll is closed and it appears that poeple like the name of the blog just fine. I thought maybe a name change would be in order, but people had some real good reasons why they liked it so "give the people what they want."

Life has been busy as of late. Works crazy, you've read already that I have a new car. I have three weddings coming up soon, and they are all for some pretty important people in my life. I just have to go out and do some serious gift shopping. LOL.

Life in general has been good lately. Don't get me wrong there's been plenty of stresses in the days but inevitably this life is what we make of it. Sure we have our setbacks, but ultimately its our choices that have brought us to where we are today. For good or for bad. Its all relative. If you find yourself in a particularly rough patch. Search your memory of the collective experiences you've had at this point. Chances are that you will have something you can use to get you through.

Everyday we live is another chance to learn.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Zoom . . . Zoom Indeed!!

I gotta say I'm in love. Well its been a full day since I picked up my car and I love it. Its just so me. I love the way it drives, the way it feels, the way it looks. I suppose eventually it will loose its appeal but for now I can have a little fun. I'll post more tomorrow but for now I'm tired.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shoulda ... Coulda ... Woulda

Well another day another dollar. Its times like these that try my patience. While we are making positive changes at work I can't help but be a little disappointed when things start to back up. I know we are doing a great job but it just shows that we still have some opportunities to improve. So with that things can be a bit stressful.

When asked to today what I wanted to do, I had a laundry list of things that I should be doing. Which was immediately dismissed as an answer because it wasn't what I wanted to do. So again I was posed the question. What do I want to do? I really was flummoxed. I mean so much of my life is defined by what I should be doing so I find it difficult sometimes to sort out the "I want"'s from the "I should"'s.

So what do I want? I guess its what everyone wants. I want to be happy and I want to do those things that will make me happy. I want to do those things that inspire me, that make me want to challenge myself and ultimately be a better person. Next step is incorporating those things into my life. I mean I do like my work and I do love what I do. If I didn't it would not make any sense for me to stay. I just have to remember to treat yourself. After all "what's the point in living if you can't feel alive?" Luckily I can incorporate those things that I want to get out of life into my routine. For now I am enjoying my metro experience and I think I'll do it for a while longer. I know though that I will want to eventually move on out maybe out to the countryside and up to Vermont if not over to the coast of Maine.

That's a more long term goal. Right now I want to relax a little more and enjoy a nice stroll at night. Like I did earlier. I want to go on little day trips to Vermont or the Cape. I want to see a show or two. I want to laugh. Fortunately enough for me I have also found some who wants to share in those same experiences, and ultimately I want to be able to share it with him. So now I know what I want and oddly enough work wasn't on the list. I guess I am not hopeless.

Have a good night everyone and remember to do more of what you want and less of what you should.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Zoom ... Zoom ... Zoom

Well I apologize if I have been out of contact lately. I really haven't been doing to much although last week I did manage to go out to my friend Mario's Birthday party. Truth is I've been kind of paranoid to go out. You see my car is dying. I know that now and no matter how much I pay to fix it its all down hill from here. There is something up with the engine and the electrical system is having trouble too. It may not be in its death throws but I don't want to end up stranded somewhere either, and at this point a steady payment will be preferable to unexpected bills.

I really can't complain to much. For all the difficulties I may have had with it over the years it still got me from place to place, and in the end lasted longer than I expected. In the end it outlasted more than I ever thought it could, even longer than people. Such is the way of life things.

Of course those who know me probably know by now that all I have been thinking about for the past couple of years when it comes to cars is the Honda Element. I just like the looks of it (so sue me). However its not the right car for me right now. I need something I little more fuel friendly and dare I say a little more sportier. Besides my boyfriend's got a shiny new anyways, two Elements would just be kind of gay. Don't you think?

What has caught my eye? Well if the title hasn't given it away I've decided to go get a Mazda3. With 32 mpg highway and 29 city its got it were it counts in fuel, plus its got a nice solid frame. More substantial than some of the Honda's and Toyota's these days. I'm not looking for a status symbol on wheels. Just something nice and economical which also can be fun to drive. Well that was my decision. I'll be damned if I get another Red car. I have my sights set on a nice Galactic Grey one this time.

Your thoughts?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The weekend was too short, and so is this post.

Well I before I start I want to draw attention to a new blog here on blogger. You'll find the link to the right in my friends list. Rob'd For Your Pleasure, I know rather tongue in cheek humor. I have to admit I like the name. I recommend it to those who enjoy reading my own blog. I'll admit I am a little biased considering since I know the author intimately.

So last night I saw a movie, it was all be it a TV movie, but a good one just the same. The Five People You Meet In Heaven, based on the book of the same name. It really drove home the thoughts I had been having about meeting people. The premise that when you die before you go on to Heaven you meet up with five people who you have effected during your life. They teach you the lessons that you may have missed in life before you can move on. Basically the moral of the story is that we are all connected on some level and strangers are just family you haven't met yet. You are connected to everyone you interact with and the simplest actions do effect others. So think positive thoughts!

It doesn't have to be the best friends you had for years, it can also be the waitress you gave a bigger tip too that made her night. You could definitely effect your parents, but you can also just as easily effect your employees by showing them that you respect them. We are all here for a reason and unless you are planning on checking out, we all want to live and survive. Maybe its this conscientiousness that makes it hard for me when I see people being rude. Its what makes me sad when I see someone so self centered that they can't see the impact they have on others around them. Well I guess "Ignorance is Bliss" is just not a cliche' any more.

Well I'd write more but I have been told that my posts can get long. So here's a short one.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Another Hundred People

Its amazing how much time can fly. Even more so I suppose when you are having fun. Sorry about the Blog neglect. I'm thinking about changing the name of my Blog by the way. While I do like it, I feel it needs to evolve. Just like so many things in my life I think its time. So I am putting up a poll that can be voted on. It should be up in a day or so. You can vote for a new one or if you really like it vote to keep the original.

So as referenced above, I have been having fun. I have even taken some time off. Work is work though and it will forever be busy, it just depends on what kind of busy it is. Right now I am in interviewing season. But that's not fun to talk about and fairly illegal I think so we'll skip to other topics.

Valentine's Day was a success, and I must give some props to the Elephant Walk for having our table available right at 7 when we walked in the door. It was definitely a full house and they are just the kind of place that does it right. So it was a good dinner, of course the company wasn't half bad either :P .

That weekend I was able to throw my first party in years. Needless to say I was a little stressed. But once the time came round it was good time. All hubris aside I think I put on a damn good party. My concern was more for the mix of people. I blended a good number of people from various circles and it seemed to work. Not everyone could attend and I understand that. They were missed and will just have to make it to the sequel. Those who could attend though got to meet Rob. The new man in my life. :) Also the reason why I have not been updating this thing as much as I would like.

So what else has been going on? Last week was a little slow but it was busy at work, but I got a nice little break on Friday. Due to the snowstorm my company let us out early. I took full advantage of this by getting a decent parking space that I could dig out from and then proceeded to go downtown for the afternoon. As I knew the rest of the city would be fleeing. I went and watched a movie Vantage Point which was better than most people say it is. Of course I couldn't have gotten through the movie without being visited my Mrs. Obvious.

It seems lately that every time I got to a show or theater I get stuck in front or behind someone who feels the need to talk through the entire show with inane conversation. Well Mrs. Obvious just repeated what was going on. Oh look the president just got shot. "Oh Harold did you see that the president just got shot." Of course Harold say it. The whole damn theater saw it!! But they didn't HEAR what happened next because you kept flapping your yap. Then as we got deeper into the movie she decided to share with us her theories on who did it. UGH!!! I gave all the signs. First there was the throat clearing. No luck. Then there was the casual glance over the shoulder. Nothing. Finally there was the turn around and stare directly at her. That didn't work either. I swear to God had I bought a concession she would have been covered in it because even the SHHHHH didn't help. I wasn't the only one doing it either.

I think theaters should set up a hotline. Something that you could call and let them know that this stuff is going on. I can deal with a little talking but when its blatantly distracting its a problem. Maybe if it was even a text message. Of course people should just learn to be a little more considerate. I think a little bit of consideration is alot to ask these days. I find myself wanting to dish out the five finger etiquette lesson on occasion. Certainly could have helped on the T ride home later.

After the movie I went out and walked around in the common in the snow. I probably looked like a crazy homeless person to most people, but I miss walking around in the snow. So I had the time and I did it. Let me tell you Greenpeace is a committed bunch since they were trying to sign people up in the height of the snow. I don't think they had to many takers though. Well after a once around the park I left for Coolidge Corner to my favorite Book Store. The Booksmith. I perused a couple of things but settled on a classic that I would try out. I hadn't read "The Fountainhead". I am familiar with Ann Raynd and her work and I needed to read something with a little more substance.

I spoiled myself at dinner with a little French Onion soup and Fish and Chips. I know totally not diet food, but it was a night to spoil myself. I headed home on the T again but there were problems on the D line so we had to pick some passengers for a stop. So all of a sudden our empty train went from empty to full. Of course by that time it was standing room only and this older woman came over stared at me to try and get me to move. Normally I would do such a thing but this woman was just so demanding. "can you move" she says. No. Which visibly pissed her off because what she failed to notice was the woman she pushed out of the way with the 4 bags of groceries and five year old. I said "I think she needs the seat a little more than you do and since its mine right now I'm giving it to her." Pointed and asked her to take a seat with her kid.

I've had to be transferred from train to train before and I know in the snow with a child and groceries and the prospect of more shuffling around at the end of the line earned her a little bit more than sympathy than crotchety middle aged woman. Of course the incident did not sit all that well with me at first because of the cranky bitch, but by the time we got to the stop the guy next to me offered to carry her groceries so she could make sure her child got across the street and it completely reaffirmed my faith in people. It just illustrates that most people are good its just the bad ones that leave an impression.

Walking back from Cleveland Circle to my apartment I came across a number of people out and about having fun on a Friday night in the snow. I even ran into one woman talking about Medway, Millis, and Medfield. No one in Boston knows those towns. I was impressed. LOL I hate to say it but we should have more storms it seems like people bond more at these times, when if this was a random summer night no one would have cared less. Instead a hundred random people getting off the train there were a hundred mutual soles trying to get home, and one bitch :) .

Yes title of the blog was inspired by Company. I watched it on channel 2 the other night. It was the revival directed by John Doyle. I have to tell you I am not a fan of the gimmick he's employing where the ensemble cast also plays the instruments. I just think you either get a good actor who plays the violin ok, or vice versa. He did this with Sweeney Todd too but it was not as well done as it was with Company. Anyways check it out if you can.