Monday, March 22, 2010

This I Believe . . .

An important step in our countries history as taken place.  Time will weigh in on whether it was a correct one or not.  For now though it would seem it has polarized a nation.  Even my own family has drawn a line in the sand and come down on both sides.  Words are being thrown around regardless of their meanings intended to strike images in ones head, and civil intelligent people have been reduced to name calling. The fault lies no farther away than your own nose.  Stop playing Farmville, stop listening to other people's opinions and form your own.  

I had intended to write a post about the "evils" of Socialism vs. the "patriotic" Capitalism, but I am no expert and you would not read it.  So instead of a litany of facts that people will twist and interpret for their own gains I decided I would do something more straightforward and heartfelt.

This is what I believe...
  • I believe in social and progressive organizations. 
  • I believe the welfare and betterment of my fellow man are important. 
  • I believe in unemployment assistance, people go through hard times and need help. 
  • I believe that even though I will never have children, it's important for me to pay taxes towards public education.
  • I believe that a Nation can only be strong when it works together for the benefit of everyone as opposed to everyone out for themselves.
  • I believe that while not being especially religious in the classical sense, that this, is what Jesus preached. 
  • I believe in a public option.
  • I believe that a healthy population is a strong population. 
  • I believe that a healthy population will reduce the amount of illness in me. 
  • I believe that most people want healthcare but simply can not afford it. 
  • I believe that companies can not afford to pay the growing cost of healthcare. 
  • I believe that Health insurance companies are out to make money, and they do a very good job of it on the backs of the people it helps.
  • I believe that the cost of healthcare reform should be weighed against the cost of unnecessary wars that had to be fought.
  • I believe that people with great healthcare really are the lucky ones and are content at not changing a system running the risk that down the road they may be dumped; just because it benefits themselves now regardless of what there relatives or neighbors may be struggling with. 
  • I believe that our government does waste money, but public healthcare would not be that waste.
  • I believe that we have taken the first steps to correct our problems
I believe that Americans have gotten lazy and would rather copy and paste an opinion than create a new solution.

So with this I challenge you.  What are your beliefs not your facts, not your regurgitation of talking heads on TV?  What do you believe in?

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