Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Day 1 of 2008

Well the day is almost done and sad to say I kept this one pretty mellow. Just did some organizing and drafted up some information for the biggest loser competition I am doing at work. I needed the day to recover a bit. I spent the night at Jessica and Martin's place last night since I really did not want to be driving back to Boston at 2 AM in the morning. Plus it also allowed to have a little last hurrah with some drinks. Really can't think of a better way to celebrate the New Year than with some good friends. I know some day I'll go to Times Square but not right now. I suppose I could go to First Night Boston but I think I prefer the friends to strangers in this case. So far 2008 seems to be going well. Lets hope it stays that way. I think this is going to be a busy month. Between work, working out, and a few parties going on here and there it will most likely be February before I know it. Well I'm off to bed for now. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. Your Holiday "Turds" Christmas tunes almost made me pee in my chair. All the best in 2008!! Great blog!!
